I wonder if you have concrete ideas on current events or whether your ideas are still in a state of major flux. Again... just wondering.
If my ideas were set in concrete, you might take me for granite.
I’ve expressed my opinions about current events in various threads in recent days. I see no need to repeat them here, especially if you’re just wondering. My ideas are in a constant state of flux as I gather more information, gain experience, and observe the world.
Like you, I am only sharing my views, but received a slap earlier... something about Gandhi and King, I believe. Seems that I had the wrong view and needed correction -- or an editorial comment. Whatever.
You interpreted my comment as a slap; I intended it as raising a eyebrow in question.
Put me, teejay, in the role of dad in the scenario I gave, cause I know what I'd be thinking and what I'd likely do. My intent would be revenge, justice, whatever word you want to put on it.
Cite scriptures; say, "Now, now, tj, you know that's not right..."; quote the law; do whatever you have to do... someone is going to pay for what happened to my daughter. Take justice into my own hands? Absolutely. If not my hands, whose? Generations of Americans lived long lives without ever getting a hint of justice, waiting for a justice that never came. In the instance I created, I would indeed be taking justice into my own hands.
Now, I ask you a second time: Would I be a terrorist?
If your intent is revenge and justice, I would not consider you a terrorist. You are not trying to coerce and intimidate with fear. You are trying to mete out a punishment to those who have harmed your daughter and plan to harm others in the same way. I would consider you a vigilante.
Was dad "justified"? It depends on what you consider just. Who was in the building when it burned? Were they all rapists, or were there other people who had nothing to do with raping? Do rapists deserve to die?
No, it depends on what YOU consider just. I asked YOU, remember? To my way of thinking, yes, I was justified.
I read “Was dad ‘justified’?” as a general question. I don’t see myself as an arbiter of justice and am grateful that criminals are usually tried by a jury of their peers. “Just” is a big word and can mean many things—right, fair, righteous, upright, deserved, merited, lawful, proper, fitting.
If I were judge in this case, I would want to gather as much information as I could, as my questions reflect. Personally, I don’t think rapists deserve to die. I don’t believe in capital punishment. I think criminals deserve a fair trial before they are sentenced. I think it is unjust that two innocent people died along with the rapists.
At the same time, I can understand why the father acted as he did.
Do rapists deserve to die? Do pedophiles deserve to die? Do murderers deserve to die? What does Ginny believe? What would Ginny's perfect world do with such offenders? Sit down and reach an agreement? Turn the other cheek and hope for the best? In the above scenario, Dad (tj) is giving you a clue to what HE thinks by torching the building while knowing that people are inside.
In Ginny’s perfect world, people who rape, molest children, and murder would be restrained from causing further harm. I would then try to understand what causes people to rape, molest children, and murder and try to remove the cause.
What will be the consequences of his action? Will the system be changed, or will the cycle of violence escalate?
If I have my way, the immediate consequences will be that the building will burn to the ground with everybody inside. I would consider the deaths of the two innocents as does the U.S. military when innocents die: collateral damage. They should've picked better friends.
Will the system be changed? Maybe, especially if one of the rapists was the corrupt sheriff who allowed the laws to be broken and refused to honor the badge he wore by doing his job.
I see. I think you will arouse more anger by killing innocent people and detract from your cause. You may have vigilantes coming to your house to avenge the deaths of their own innocent relatives. You may get a sheriff who is more fair, but you may also get one who is more hardnosed. In an area where vigilantes roam, a tough sheriff will be needed.
I'm still not sure where I stand on this issue...
I understand. I am not similarly plagued. I know what I would do.
Bully for you, Teejay. I see no shame in admitting that I don’t know or don’t have enough information to decide. That’s why I consider myself an agnostic. It's also why I started this thread. I was interested in hearing the opinions of others and comparing them.
Truth be told, I lean toward the Quaker approach where there are no heated disagreements to begin with, thus no need to even deflect an aggressor's energy back at him, since in that lovely world of warm, fuzzy feelings, people don't even get angry with each other. Alas, when you find that Utopia, you WILL let us know, won't you?
People will always feel anger, Teejay. I am only suggesting that the energy of anger be channeled into effective solutions rather than revenge.
I see little point in vengeance or revenge. It may relieve one's feelings, but it does not unrape or unkill a person. Usually it leads to more violence.Again, how wonderfully transcendental your perspective is!
I considered this a realistic conclusion. I’ve just been reading about the Crusades. We attack the Muslims; the Muslims attack us; we avenge ourselves; they avenge themselves. When does it end?
I'm way more in touch with my dark side than you, apparently. While killing the mofos that sullied my daughter may not undo the damage, I will sleep well in knowing that those particular sons of bitches won't be raping or killing anyone else; won't be encouraging anyone else to copy their sick acts; won't be passing their fucked up genes to a 2nd generation. I see we are worlds apart on many issues. I don't know... I'm at peace with that, somehow.
I just finished reading The Evil We Do: The Psychoanalysis of Destructive People by Carl Goldberg, Ph.D. If his theory is correct, I may be more in touch with my shadow than you. People who resort to violence are usually incapable of deep introspection. They deny their own dark impulses and project them onto others. People resort to the primitive language of violence when they cannot find other channels to express their anger and shame. I hesitate to even share this because I feel certain you will label it as “psychobabble.”
In dealing with violent people in my family, it has also been my experience that the violent are usually weak and afraid at core. They are bullies. They do not understand the strength it takes to be gentle.
And you know who that "someone" would be in my scenario? All the relatives, friends and casual acquaintances of the bastards that died in the building that 'mysteriously' burned to the ground. They'd have to find a way to "let go", say, "this is enough." I'd have no problem with that.
You must be right at home with Old Testament “ethics,” Teejay.
So, the motherland has been raped, Teejay. What shall we do?
P.S. My working weekend begins tomorrow at 4 a.m. I will return late Monday evening.