evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • lowden

    Sam, welcome.

    I must bang on about your 'big brain' theory.

    This, with all due respect, is a perfect example of how the WTS would reason. Make a claim, make it with authority and no matter how feckin' ludicrous it sounds, some poor sod will believe it.

    Sam, it's an idiotic statement dear boy!

    As for how we got here, i don't really know. I do tend to believe in eternity though.

    As for Genocidal Jesus and his Fascist Dad....i hate 'em!



  • Beardo

    evolution or creation? lets talk...

    Read a few books instead dear boy or feel your way through the universe and decide.

    Myself - a bit of both - creation & evolution do not have to cancel each other out. One can exist with the other hand in hand.

    I consider myself a Panentheist (look it up).

  • bubble

    I tend to believe what really, really clever people have researched and offered proof and evidence for.

    Therefore, it's evolution every time.

    Charles Darwin rocks.

  • Beardo
    I tend to believe what really, really clever people have researched and offered proof and evidence for.

    So you are willing to place your faith in anothers research on the basis that " these ones " appear to be clever.

    How would you define intelligence?

    There never has been conclusive evidence presented to show cross-species evolution and to say that there wouldn't be because this process may take millions of years is a fine theory, but hardly objectively proven.

    I would suggest that you do not take for granted everything the secular rationalists say as absolute.

  • catbert

    I recommend listening to the New England Skeptics Society podcasts. Here is an article on their website concerning intelligent design:


    The "NESS" guys are very anti "intelligent design". They are fun to listen to. Itunes has links to their podcasts.

    I think many or most individuals that visit this forum are skeptics. Thats just my opinion.

  • zagor

    Evolution is by no means perfect explanation. What many staunch religionists have to realize is that evolution is an INFERRED theory arrived upon by deducing available evidence in terms that are natural in nature (I just love that word – nature). And why is that? Because, no miracles are observed as happening, everything in nature tends to have long cycles of development unless 'miracles' such as asteroids pop up every now and then.
    Does that discount intelligent origin? Depends who you talk to. I for one believe that if we had right technology we could create not only life but also entire universe (this will sound ridiculous to those not familiar with M-Theory) Hence that would make us gods to life forms living in those universes, wouldn't it? Whatever processes we chose to employ would be irrelevant.
    In any case, whatever you think about Evolutionary Theory one thing is certain. For all its weaknesses, it brought about the age of enlightment and shuttered centuries long grip church held on human thought and freedom of expression. Hell, you think you would be allowed to express your opinion this freely if church had its way? Any church/religion eventually forgets its humble origins and soon starts demanding more obedience and conformity. Remember statement "don't go ahead of Society” (put here church instead and it applies to everyone)
    If world waited till church got their dumb brains around how nature and calculus works we would be still riding horses (that’s if you could afford one).
    Religionists, are effectively asking for return to that “good old system” Well as the saying goes – beware what you wish for – it just might bite you in the ass. Experience has showed, and we have had centuries to experiment “thank god” that religion is at best dumbing and stupefying force that robs people of their own free will and mind and at worst the source of all evil imaginable. So do you still want to go back there? Case closed!

  • Beardo
    Experience has show, and we have had centuries to experiment “thank god” that religion is at best dumbing and stupefying force that robs people of their own free will and mind and at worst the source of all evil imaginable.

    Yes, true to a degree of course.

    However, this current age is no better. So much for advancement and popping God in the recycle bin.

    The dumbing down process is still taking place & from what I have observed within the secular world, it is no better than what I have observed amongst 'religious' societies.

    Again - watch this:


    We are being actively controlled & dumbed down & spiritual values are being trashed left, right and centre by our controllers.

  • Satanus

    The biggest problem for creationists, is explaining from where their god came. Compared to that problem, any evolutionary problems are cake.


  • Beardo
    The biggest problem for creationists, is explaining from where their god came.

    I've never had a great deal of trouble explaining that supposed "logical fallacy" to myself. It is obvious that there has always been one constant feature in existence - clearly. There has never been a time when there has been " nothing " (although certain mystics claim that 'NO' thing is the highest state within the universe - but I digress).

    So this constant feature has to be "something" - devoid of our labels, yet most likely a "thing" with sentient awareness.

    So, yes, I believe in GOD - but I have no idea what or who GOD actually is in its fullness, yet I know that I am not that thing.

    To call GOD a thing is to do GOD a great injustice.

    The label GOD is a problem as it is now loaded with endless preconceived ideas, so I'd rather sit in silence and feel life/energy flowing through all things seen & unseen and attempt to connect beyond the immediate. The feeling of connection I have from time to time lifts my heart until it soars like an eagle and there I find my GOD.

    I am not a Christian btw or a anything. I just exist.

  • whyizit


    Charles Darwin ultimately did not believe his own theory. After further research, he realized it didn't make sense.

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