The biggest problem for creationists, is explaining from where their god came.
I've never had a great deal of trouble explaining that supposed "logical fallacy" to myself. It is obvious that there has always been one constant feature in existence - clearly. There has never been a time when there has been " nothing " (although certain mystics claim that 'NO' thing is the highest state within the universe - but I digress).
So this constant feature has to be "something" - devoid of our labels, yet most likely a "thing" with sentient awareness.
So, yes, I believe in GOD - but I have no idea what or who GOD actually is in its fullness, yet I know that I am not that thing.
To call GOD a thing is to do GOD a great injustice.
The label GOD is a problem as it is now loaded with endless preconceived ideas, so I'd rather sit in silence and feel life/energy flowing through all things seen & unseen and attempt to connect beyond the immediate. The feeling of connection I have from time to time lifts my heart until it soars like an eagle and there I find my GOD.
I am not a Christian btw or a anything. I just exist.