Watching my son grow is amazing. He is into everything, thoroughly enjoying exploring, growing and learning every day.
I was reflecting how as each day passes, he learns more and he knows more; and thinking back to my childhood. The more I learned, the more I knew. By the time I was about seventeen, I knew everything! The world was in crystal sharp focus, everything was clear. I could see exactly where other people were going wrong, and I wondered how older people couldn't see - how could they be so stupid?
Then something strange happened. I kept learning, but I began to know less. The more I learned, the less I knew. Now I am in my thirties, I don't know a fraction of the things I knew when I was seventeen. I have done the things I saw older people doing, that I KNEW I would NEVER do.
I thought back to my son. Will it be possible for him to capture that optimum learning / knowing balance? If he could, he could be a Daily Mail journalist, or a politician, or maybe a great religious leader!
What should I have done differently? Looking back, I should have stopped learning at the point when I knew everything. But I didn't. I kept reading, I kept thinking. When I met people who had a different viewpoint, I should have ignored them, or even better, ridiculed them and called them names. Instead, I listened, and sometimes they changed my viewpoint.
Do you have any other suggestions for continuing to know everything?