I cant help thinking that the original "bible students" did things the right way compared to how its done today. They sat together in small groups, read and discussed scriptures and then wrote down their findings. They did this until they had gone through the whole bible.
I know that reading the entire bible is a prerequisite for becoming a JW, but I wonder how many JWs really do it or if most of them just know the regular snippets of scripture which are quoted in the magazines, and of course in field ministry etc.
I have decided that allthough I have read the bible - I think I am going to do a study of it the way these early bible students did, Im going to read paragraph by paragraph and write down MY findings and MY feelings about what is written. The way I interpret it and how I feel about it as Im reading it.
Ive started on Matthew as I find the New Testament easier to read, and allready I have found things which dont seem to correspond with the societies thinking and teaching.
Has anyone else done an extensive study of the bible like this? and if you have, what conclusions did it help you reach?
I cant help dwelling on certain things such as Jesus's complete lack of prejudice towards people and I cant help thinking that many in the org are not following his example closely enough, and allow prejudices and personal appearance or stigmas of ill health, mental illness etc to cloud their judgement.
Thoughts anyone?