PrimateDave gave some great references. Also I was amazed at just how silly the Bible really is if you read it "fresh" without 2000 years of Christian apologetics giving you preconceptions that you subconsciously read into the Bible texts. In short, try reading it as just another book you knew nothing about before you started reading it and it becomes a whole different experiance.
For example, a fresh reading of the Adam & Eve story is a real eye-opener. Most people are shocked to find that the Devil is NOT mentioned anywhere in the text. It is also very clear that the serpent is the real truth-teller in the story and not God. I challenge you to read it just as is without all the centuries of Christian excuses and extra-biblical explainations filling in the the gaps and you will be amazed. The Creation account is a real hoot even if you only have an 8th grade understanding of basic science you will see how out of sequence and impossible it all is.
Just a few more reasons why the Watchtower Society doesn't want you reading the Bible without their "help".