I almost had to sneeze and scream Bullshit when I heard this. The brother giving the talk said that the Society has NEVER made a prediction about when the end would come. He said people just read what the Society published, and added their own thoughts to it!!! He specifically mentioned 1975, and said that the Society never even hinted that this could be the time of the end. What a complete bunch of LIES. Saidly, many true "Orwellians" will go alone with it, like it really happened that way. God, I hate these people!
Heard at last Sunday talk...
by Justice-One 48 Replies latest jw friends
This is what i have always been told about 1975 so it was a real shocker for me when i read r franz' book, and looked up the watchtower magazines that actually mention that year and how everyone should look to it for something big to happen - it was suddenly all clear to me but before i admit i just went along with what i was told as i thought jws were a trustworthy lot, but i can't get my head round the fact that ones that were around at that period of time and read the preceeding magazines and the shifting of blame afterwards etc, not only stayed as witnesses but deny that the GB ever pointed to that year in the first place!
I dont think I could handle going to the meetings after all the truths I have learned since...
Good! This is exactly why most of us don't belong to the WTS anymore, and why many more thinking people will bail out over the next decade. It is a culture that promotes the covering up of the past, and those of us who think are pretty sensitive to lies.
think about it ...how many older jw's there knew it was BS?
I just looked it up. True the Society never actually came out and SAID 1975 was going to be the end. BUT they did just as good with these phases used when talking about 1975 in the late sixties and early seventies...."Within relatively few years," "the immediate future," "within a few years at most," "only a few years at most," and last but not least, " "1975, the year of great possibilites, tremendous probabilites," and "the final few years." Sounds pretty "Polspeak" or "newspeak" to me!
How about that chart in the book, "Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God" that shows 1975 as the beginning of the thousand year reign of Christ. As far as I know, we have always taught that the 1,000-year reign begins right after Armageddon.
If the Society never taught that the end was in 1975, then why were so many district overseers and circuit overseers preaching it? And, if they came up with the idea all by themselves, then why didn't the Society call them on the carpet?
He specifically mentioned 1975, and said that the Society never even hinted that this could be the time of the end.
Im thinking, he must not have been around then back in 1975. If he was around and he was a jw he had to have his head up his but. And if the society never hinted 1975 could be a time of the end how come 1975 always comes up. Like you said. Bullshit.
Justice one,
My mom was recently out in service with a new person in the car and they asked about 1975. An elder actually denied the society had said anything close. My mom is 72 and lived through it. She told me it took everything she had to keep her mouth shut. After the field service meeting she took her aside and said absolutely it happened, and it has been denied.
How she remains in the orginization I will never know.
TheKings said:
think about it ...how many older jw's there knew it was BS?
Excellent point. But they'll keep their mouth shut because they also know the consequences.