Your opinion: Are those raised as Witnesses more likely to end up godless?

by under_believer 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • moomanchu

    Yes, because if this isn't the truth then none of it can true, right.

    Which I think is sad But...

    "Get out of her my people Babylon the Great" I think = all organized religon.(JW included)

    I think God wants it the way it was back in Abrahams day, and why not?

    God > Man

    Now God > Jesus > man

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^That's a good point.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • JWdaughter

    The longer I have been out of the org., the less 'churched' I have become. At the same time, I have come to like God a lot more, and found more confidence in Gods love. I don't fear God in the way that churches have taught me to. I actually think he really wants the best for everyone-not just those of us lucky enough to be born in the US or Western world who have 'been preached Christ'.

    Just my experience-I know a lot of people in my family who are pretty much agnostic/atheist. I actually think that some of them felt like they got so much horsepucky fed them as kids that they don't want to let anyone else feed them a different brand of it. They were after all told there was no where else to go. I think a lot got that lesson, unfortunately.

  • JWdaughter

    Someone on this mentioned that the Bible was written(perhaps) by a bunch of power weilding Jewish guys. The funny thing is, Jews I know would pretty much concur-many Jews don't take the Bible as being terribly literal, but much of it is considered to be moral, learning stories-to show consequences and issues and how they should relate to the world and their own society. Even religious Jews, not just the cultural Jews. They believe in God, but differently than many Christians understand. Their traditions are as important as the scripture. I am not saying that is how every Jewish person thinks(my disclaimer) but many that I have met and know have a very different attitude about how the Bible is inspired than most Christians (who take it very literally) do.

  • oldflame

    It sure seems that way

  • AnonyMouse

    I'm thinking an Ex-JW would be more inclined to go churchless. Like the "Better informed" theory.

    I guess technically I'm agnostic. But I'm pretty much on the line between agnostic and athiest. I think the bible isn't true, but I'm not ready to say that for every other religion. I've had the bible shoved in places that I'm sure you all know. And thusly, I decided it was false.

    But I have this crazy thing in my brain that demands I be fair. So I can't go off telling Hindus, Islamics, Taoists, etc that they're wrong. Because I know absolutely nothing about them.

    That the society calls them "false", despite them not even being related to bible based, always irritated me. You can't proove them wrong with the bible, and you can't even proove yousrelf right with the bible.

    For all we know, Christianity as a whole could be a joke conjured up by Loki (Norse god of mischief).

  • startingover

    You can read the comments made when I brought this up before here:

  • mouthy

    In the support group that I chaired ....I have to say yes....I believe those who really believed in Jehovah while a JW( & sometimes disagreed with the teachings of the cult.) Came out & began to research GOD.... Some became Born Again Christians, I know ex JWs who became Catholics. --- But more of them dont believe any more & it strengthens my belief that "I travelled over land & sea to make one convert ( & DID) & made them worse than they were before I pressed them into service ....... But I still love all those who dont believe or believe.God ( my God) examines the heart ?????
    Dansk -------- Be a good boy & dont give me any of your lip or to your room I will send you

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Certainly in my case as I became aware that the witnesses were no different to the other religions - making the bible say what they wanted in order to get converts, and having no more truth than the next intepretation, it certainly has made me question is the bible a book written purely by men. More and more I think it is.

    CS 101

  • PandaPet

    I have a definite phobia against religion, in and of itself. I really enjoy researching and learning about the various organized religions in a strictly academic sense. I do believe there is a divine force at work, however, what that force is I would hesitate to say. It's enough for me to live an honorable existence.

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