I was hoping for more details, maybe an excerpt, from the Awake in question. Nevermind.
I'm with the others--rape is not caused by pent-up sexual desire, it's caused by a desire to dominate. Thinking it's a sexual outlet is going down the road of blaming the woman for her rape because she dressed too sexy.
Masturbation is a Gift From Jehovah (Stupid Awake 11/06)
by metatron 50 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
Jesus - are we going to crucify Metatron because he used a description of rape that was not 100% au courant?
The point of Metatron's post was NOT rape, it was "solo sexuality.". Neither Metatron or I are rapists and we do not endorse rape. OK? I say we burn him later.
Every time one masterbates he/she kills an angle!!!!!
Damn, Guess I am responsible for a few dead angels.
Now wait a minute Jehovah, I can explain this!!!
You know these merchant mariners? SMASH--CRACK-- BOOM. Bye ya all.
Okay fine. Wanking is good. I will grant you that. :)
Wasanelder Once
My psychology instructor at the University stressed evolutionary psychology and adamantly declared that "of course rape is borne from sexual desire. Yes there can be a desire to dominate involved. Sexual desire is the reason so many who are fixated on pornography act on those urges and the natural drive to continue the species." He states also, "It is not based on a desire to dominate. It is driven by sexual desire whether that desire can be successfully accomplished or not. Violence is for the purpose of conquering the unwilling.That explanation of it being an act of violence is misguided." This in no way shifts the responsibility onto the victim.
He did not state this to excuse, only to explain. I thought it was interesting.
Next they'll be saying masturbation by young teen-age males will reduce their adult penis size.
It's hilarious how they've always condemned masturbation throughout the years. Only a totally out-of-touch organization would condemn that which every doctor and health scientist believes is healthy. 98% of boys masturbate. The other 2% are probably handicapped or something. Every younger (not over 60) person in the organization knows boys AND girls masturbate and there's not a damn thing anyone will ever do about it. If my son didn't masturbate I'd be seriously worried about him....
Girls do?
That just made my day...no wait, month. Probably a year or so. -
Nothing wrong with a five nuckle shuffle
What's masturbation?