There was a great movie out a few years ago, "Luther," which I got through Netflix. The Catholic Church did to Luther back then about the same as the WTS does today with their own 'apostates'.
I've been quite interested in the modern Lutheran church and in my reading I discovered that today the church still teaches the primacy of the individual's conscience over any church authority. As was previously said, Luther didn't want to start a new religion or denomination, but wanted reform within the church. Today, some modern Lutherans consider themselves a reforming movement of the one catholic church and hope for full reconciliation with Rome in the future.
The Luther movie portrayed Luther as a young priest who believed that if he could only enlighten the pope about the corruption he became aware of (selling indulgences, etc) that the Pope would immediately set things right. It really reminded me of loyal brothers and sisters who have attempted to suggest reforms within the WTS but were quickly shown the door.