I recently posted on a thread and couldn`t believe the amount of intellectual bullies on there. I was a jw for 25 years, left school 35 years ago and they expected me to know all the info on evolution, and because i didn`t i`m `stupid`. I prefer to believe in creation, but it is obviously too simple an explanation for them. It showed me that people that have got `knowledge are puffed up`, and i can just imagine what they were like when they were jw`s, they probably left because they couldn`t climb up the ladder with position. Have any of you felt bullied on here just because you don`t agree with other`s? Have all ex jw`s got degree`s or are there some average people that have just done high school? After all weren`t we encouraged not to further our education? Anyway, i would like to hear your experiences. By the way, i noticed the thread died a death after i stopped posting, i must have been providing their entertainment, `let`s all bully her, she`s stupid` scenario!
Intellectual bullies- have you come across them?
by dido 45 Replies latest jw friends
ya there are some out there. I havent read much of the thread you are talking about but just remember a few things
1. a very strong opinion or conviction is not bullying by itself
2. just because you might feel you are preceived as stupid, doesnt make that an accurate perception
3. the debate (even heated) in the market of ideas is an awesome thing
4. in the end, no one can make you feel stupid unless you let them. -
IP_sec- i totally agree with you about `no one can make you feel stupid unless you let them`, and fortunately, they didn`t, but that was the general bullying tactic that they were using, but i stuck to my guns and i feel that they are the idiots, not me, they want to believe in complicated unfounded theories.
We all come here for different reasons, I suppose, but the biggest reason of all is to heal. I don't know the thread you are referring to, but if you feel you've been put down in some way I'm sorry. Everyone is encouraged to post here and ad hominem attacks are not taken lightly by the moderators, thankfully.
I, too, have been abused here but I put it down to their ignorance and just get on with posting elsewhere. It isn't worth the hassle of getting embroiled in such vitriol. There are better and more uplifting things to do.
In the main, I should say people here are generally supportive and understanding. I remember someone taking a poster to task because his spelling was poor, whereupon half the forum rounded on the complainant! I was encouraged by that because it showed how much the overwhelming number of members have fellow feeling. We can't all be great historians, scientists - or perfect with our spelling. We are here to help one another. Generally, bullies don't fare well here!
So, you are not on your own and such bullies are rare. Political threads are where the most heated debates tend to take place - so, in the main, I avoid them.
Glad you feel strong enough to post. You've probably highlighted a topic others feel passionately about but are too shy to come forward. Perhaps they will now!
Looking forward to seeing you next week.
When I watch some of those TV shows where the contestants answer questions I feel stupid, unless they have been given the answers before the program started. Of course most of the question are about stuff I don't care about . Most of the discussions on this board arn't intellectual anyway, just how we feel about things, our opinions. At least mine arn't.
Ken P.
I think some of the bullying method is cultivated by the Org. in that as a witness you have the superior know it all, we have the truth no matter what, and we're never wrong.
I feel that carries into the new found belief in atheistism or creationism. Personally as a (creationist) Ive had to examine origins of natural law and science to really defend my position. Because short of enrolling in college or take up a second language like greek, all where left with is the internet to feed our presuppositions.
It takes alot of time and studying, which I have a full plate to begin with, as everyone else does. Family, kids, work, play etc...
On these boards I think both camps are guiltly of "who can cut and paste" the better defense. And some claim to be able to feel the pulse on the scientific world. While others claim all knowing religious angles.
Because I beleive in ID in discusions Im referred to an "ID-iot" you know idiot. I suppose that makes the other person feel better about themselves in there position. So Im left with the notion, how smart do you have to be, to be a evolutionist.
Have all ex jw`s got degree`s or are there some average people that have just done high school?
Ive argued with knuckle heads from both camps.
Maybe pick you battles a little more carefully.
Ian- thanks for your support, and yes, i have noticed that in the main there are some very nice people that are trying to heal on here. In future i am not going to get drawn into their hot air debates, where all they want to do is prove that they are cleverer than the next person. I am really looking forward to coming and meeting my fellow brits there next week, so see you then, lots of love to you and wife, Dianne.
Hi Ellderwho,
This isn't an attack on your beliefs, believe me, but Richard Dawkin's latest book The God Delusion makes fascinating reading. It covers ID and evolution. It really is wonderfully written - and one doesn't need to be an intellectual to understand it.
elderwho: "who can cut and paste"
Some don't cut and paste.
I understand what you mean, I think. But I am not so sure such people are intellectual bullies as much a they are intellectual elitists. Bullies hurt people and abuse people to get their way. Elitists sneer, jeer, and hold their superior nostrils toward the heavens so they can feel better than everyone else. I am having a hard time even figuring out how intellect could be used to bully someone.
AuldSoul -
Thanks, aprreciate the recommened reading also. My presuppostions are very tainted with the likes of Greg Bahsen and others. And will freely admit that.
The great debate had a real impact on my position. Not that Bahsen totally dismantles his atheist opponent, but his presentation alone left me with the feeling that a world of chance is just that.
Auldsoul: Some don't cut and paste.
I hear ya.