Intellectual bullies- have you come across them?

by dido 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • stevenyc

    For me it's not 'intellectual' bullying, it's the smugness that chaps my ass. People having a 'holier that thou' attitude irrespective of which side of the fence they chew their cud.


  • dido

    Undecided- most of the stuff is what i don`t care about either, also am undecided like you!

    elderwho-i haven`t come on here to battle, but there are obviously some that have, so i`ll steer clear of them too!

    AuldSaul- you have just given an example with your play on words.

    Wanderer- i believe that they get off showing the world what they know. i prefer humble people, they are much more appealing. By the way, can i add how much i am enjoying your posts? They are very interesting.

    Uh oh, the bullies have followed on here. This thread was about them not to them! I am not going to dignify their posts by answering them, they just love digging me out, must have very boring lives!

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, I have come across them in the past. They come and go on this board. They don't impress me.

    But, there is something else besides intellectual bullies that come on here. You have types who are ready to tear you apart with their teeth if you indicate you have any belief left in the bible or bible principles. Whether this is as a result of their negative experience with JWs OR because they are so "intellectual" [rolls eyeballs] I don't know and don't care.

    But I do believe in live and let live.


  • Finally-Free
    Intellectual bullies- have you come across them?

    I've come across a few. For the most part I ignore them. To engage them is to admit I give a f*ck about their thoughts. I don't, so why bother? They cannot affect my quality of life unless I let them.


  • daystar

    My ex-wife is not what I would call a well-read person. She isn't unintelligent by any stretch. I read constantly on a small hosts of subjects that interest me. I never cared that she wasn't well-read. I didn't overly mind that when in a discussion about something, she didn't often have much to add. I never scoffed at her, I never held her in derision for it...

    And yet, near the end of the marriage, she admitted to me that I made her feel stupid, not because I was an a-hole, but because I just knew things about subjects she knew nothing about. In her mind at the time, this was my fault. I made her feel stupid. We'd go out with some of my friends and we'd discuss topics ranging from politics to religion to philosphiy, etc. and she rarely had much to say. And when she did have something to say, because she knew very little of the subjects... well, everyone was very polite to her and we'd talk about it and try to explain, but even that made her feel stupid, she'd say.

    Was I an "intellectual bully"? Were my friends?

  • dido

    LHG -ditto, they must have really bad hangups, or boring lives, but yes they want to tear you to bits, must pity them ya know!

    Abandon- (i wish you would). The reason i pm`d you was because i didn`t want to get drawn into your petty arguments on the thread, but i`ll say it loud and clear, YAWN,ok? Happy now?

  • Genesis

    With respect Dido, I think that you should have named your thread "Ego Bullies..." and talked about how you choose denial when someone is proving you wrong.Let the facts speaks for themselves, when your "opposer" brought factual information you chose Denial, ad hominem attacks and a whole kit of logical fallacies. In fact there is no "Intellectual Bullies", only people who can back up their claims with reliable information.

  • dido

    List ogf bullies so far Genesis, Funkyderek, Abaddon, anymore want to go on the list while i`m here?

    daystar- it doesn`t sound like you bullied her to me, as you sound like you cared about her feelings, so don`t beat yourself up over it. I just hate the types who indulge in their `intellectuality`, they are the biggest bullies and bores.

  • Abaddon


  • dido

    Just for the record, i`m not going to answer any posts which refer to the evolution thread. I`ve given my opinion, unproven evolution sucks so deal with it.

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