Older WT quote reveals attitude toward disfellowshipped family members

by OnTheWayOut 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jringe01

    and has anyone noticed this:

    The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates

    How could an organization that claims it's important to put God first, that God's laws have to be followed before and above those of man first cite man's laws as a reason why apostates cannot be killed. In fact for an organixation that "puts God first" his law should be the ONLY reason and man's laws should be just a footnote

    Also it's interesting to note that when Deuteronomy tells the Israelites to kill apostates, that order directly violates the sixth commandment..Thou shall not comit murder.

  • Perry

    Check out the loaded language:

    ....could be exterminated for apostasy

    Why not just call those who disagree with the WT roaches. This makes it easier for family to shun their loved ones. They're not even human enough to kill. Just exterminate the vermin .

    Ever notice the high number of German sounding names on the GB? Did they take lessons from the holocost or what!

    Freddy Franz is unavailable right now. He is at his new Lake (of fire) home.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Bump for LL

  • garyneal

    Oh wow, they talked about dealing with disfellowshipped family members at today's convention. Creepy.

  • LostGeneration


    What did they say about that?

  • ziddina

    Yes, Gary!! We'd love to hear!!! Or are you going to start a new thread with your information???

    Thanks! Zid

  • garyneal


    Sorry, details are kind of sketchy since I was paying more attention to my daughter running around the coliseum than the talk. So all I can say is how witnesses must be careful how they handle disfellowshipped family members, taking care not to associate with them too much or let them influence you too much. The usual banter, I'm sure.

  • garyneal

    Zid, I wanted to take notes on this afternoon's symposium to share here but my daughter ran me ragged and I missed practically all of it.

    I do have some stuff from the morning talks though and I will share it on this thread.

  • ziddina

    Hah! Kids... I found your other thread and will check back on it again... Thanks!!! Zid

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thanks for the bump. I need it for my next Dear Lee column on Freeminds

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