Are you 'following a worldly course'? Loaded WT expressions.

by jambon1 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    Another example of the WTS's loaded language that I actually find quite offensive.

    The expression 'following a worldly course' is banded about, often in a similar context to that below, taken from the Watchtower of May 1973 (convention review):

    The next oldest, a son, told how he also at one time wanted to go to college and follow a worldly course. But his father sat down and reviewed the Scriptures with him.

    So, what is 'following a worldly course'? It seems to imply fultility, danger, loss of spirituality, etc, etc.

    In actual fact, it is yet another example of WT buzz words/phrases which are intended to leave the reader with an impression, without really going into much detail about the matter. The article above was intending to discourage higher education, but by adding the expression 'and follow a worldly course', it intimates in the mind of a brain-washed youth or even adult, that by going to college, you are becoming worldly.

    It is actually quite sad that in a stroke it is implied that gaining an education and providing a comfortable living for ones family is not worthwhile and is somehow negative, even wicked. This is offensive to all people of the world who pursue such a course, implying that these are bad people, worthy of destruction!

    What other examples are there of the WTS loaded language?

  • daystar

    That's a great example jambon!

  • sir82

    Don't have a CD handy, but there's one particular category they seem to use almost every issue of every magazine:

    "It is reasonable to conclude..." or "True Christians thus avoid..." or "Persons loyal to Jehovah thus do not..."

    Therefore asserting that if you disagree with their often tenuous conclusion, you are stupid, unreasonable, a false Christian, disloyal, hateful, etc. Or all of the above.

  • OnTheWayOut
    "It is reasonable to conclude..."

    They use this, yet they say that science and intellectuals who question the Watchtower Bible are the ones that bully people.
    They constantly say these ones are bullying our opinions. I will look for quotes.

  • sf

    It would be great if you shared this with the flock. Tell them to come read here too.


  • OnTheWayOut

    "Thinking person"


    w91 6/15 p. 10 par. 12 Saving Life With Blood—How?***


    For years experts have claimed that blood saves lives. Doctors may relate that someone with acute blood loss was transfused and got better. So people may wonder, ‘How medically wise or unwise is the Christian stand?’ Before considering any serious medical procedure, a thinking personwill determine both the possible benefits and the potential risks.


    w78 8/15 p. 16 par. 16 "Walk Worthily of Jehovah"***

    Furthermore, faith is the evidence needed for conviction regarding unseen realities. For instance, created things such as the sun, the moon and the stars prove to the thinking person that God the Creator exists. (Rom. 1:20-23; Heb. 11:3)


    w76 10/1 p. 579 Creation’s Testimony to the God of Purpose***

    There must be a purpose in our being here. Just a brief glimpse at some of the things around us should convince the thinking person that we are not in a purposeless, chance situation, governed by mere blind forces.


    w64 2/15 p. 103 Does Sincerely Believing Change Wrong into Right?***

    This brief analysis of just a few beliefs of "pagan" and "Christian" religions should show the thinking person that sincerity in believing a doctrine does not change what is wrong into what is right. It does not make it acceptable to God. He cannot condone what is wrong. He cannot bless what is falsehood. He is a God of truth.

    ***g91 3/22 p. 30 From Our Readers***

    WhyGodPermitsSuffering I have read Awake! from cover to cover since 1985, but never have I seen such an illuminating answer to the question of why God permits suffering as that given in your October 8, 1990, issue. Any thinking person can obtain clear answers by reading these flawlessly written articles.

    ***g82 6/22 p. 29 Watching the World***

    Leading evolutionist Richard Leakey has cut twelve million years from the origin of man. Last year he went on record as stating that man was at least fifteen million years old. Now an AssociatedPress report quotes him as saying that he was "probably wrong in a number of crucial areas" and that man’s ancestors go back only 3.75 million years. Playing fast and loose with the millions is common among evolutionists. And their disciples often accept the figures as gospel. But when considering such examples of obvious guesswork, might a thinking person not question the soundness of other evolutionary claims?

    ***g75 3/22 pp. 4-5 Is More Governmental Control Needed?***

    Should not the facts of history tell a thinking person something about man-made governments? Has it not proved true, as long ago recorded in the Bible, that "man lords it over man to his hurt"? Also, that "the course of man is not in his control, nor is it in man’s power as he goes his way to guide his steps"?

  • daniel-p



    But when reasonable people express wrong views that would hinder their spiritual progress, the minister of God’s Word should tactfully show what the Scriptures really say and mean. This is all part of "handling the word of the truth aright"—one of the important lessons taught in the Theocratic Ministry School.—2 Timothy 2:15.



    REASONABLE people will readily admit that immorality needs to be restrained.



    First, the marvels of creation testify to certain truths, attracting reasonable people to their Creator.

  • daniel-p



    This involves teaching honest-hearted ones the Bible truth, exhorting them to make changes in their lives and to take their stand on Jehovah’s side.



    What honest-hearted ones do know or learn, however, can motivate them to love and obey Jehovah.



    we extend the invitation to all honest-hearted ones: "O come in, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before Jehovah our Maker."



    However, will Jehovah permit honest-hearted ones to become ensnared by false reasoning?


    What has moved a great crowd of honest-hearted ones to rally to Jehovah’s visible organization?


    What a joy to see sincere, honest-hearted ones turn from the darkness of false religion to the light of truth that Jehovah God provides through the Scriptures!


    God’s Kingdom will bring about such a favorable environment on earth, enabling honest-hearted ones to blossom out to the full.


    Not by practicing any mystical rites of exorcism, but by teaching others the truth from God’s Word the Bible, they have aided honest-hearted ones to break free from the control of wicked spirits.


    We can rest assured that God’s spirit will bring back to our minds the things we need to help honest-hearted ones.


    How much happier a course to share actively in giving the warning and as a result have the joy of rescuing many honest-hearted ones for life in Jehovah’s paradisaic new system!


    True religion has developed in these sincere and honest-hearted ones reverence, honor, gratitude, hope and godly fear. It has bound them securely to the Almighty, moving them to willingly surrender all to Jehovah.


    While the earth is filled full of woes on a scale such as never before experienced by man, deliverance draws near for those honest-hearted ones who are sighing and crying over all the abominations that are done in the earth

  • SirNose586
    It is actually quite sad that in a stroke it is implied that gaining an education and providing a comfortable living for ones family is not worthwhile and is somehow negative, even wicked.

    [Borgmode]Of course it's wicked. Don't you know that false religion's end is near? Shouldn't you be speeding up in this time of the end? What about the illustration of the wealthy man who laid up good things for himself, but died that very night? Your silver and gold will be worthless on Jehover's Day, therefore scraping by month after month is truly the wisest course. If you are especially holy, you will begin to receive miracle checks in the mail. This is called "Jehoover provides," and if you are not a pioneer you will not receive these checks. Don't you listen at assemblies? Poor people decide to pioneer, then bam! Miracle check in the mail! This is how God works: scrape by, pioneer, never miss a meeting, don't sin, and you will receive a miracle check or golden handshake. Regular good paychecks are for evil people who trust in hard work to provide for families.

    So instead of trusting evil "higher education" to get you by--same goes for pensions if you're old--how happifying it is to trust in Jehober: The God of Miracle Checks for Good Little Dubs!![/Borgmode]

    Seriously folks....they said "don't trust in pensions or savings plans like the 401k" at the CA. I kid you not. What do they want, people working into their 80's?

  • daystar

    "thinking person" = "person who will not dispute our claims and will, in fact, hardly give them a thought before imprinting them upon their minds"

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