Are you 'following a worldly course'? Loaded WT expressions.

by jambon1 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    SirNose: ***What do they want, people working into their 80's?***

    Of course they do, SirNose! The more they work, the more money they can fork over to the WT for the WWW!

    I adore the expression, "they dissasociate themselves by their actions" when referring to those who violate the WT blood policy. It's so immoral yet so slippery. It allows the WTS to say it doesn't forbid blood transfusions (for all those "thinking, reasonable, honest-hearted" people out there). It removes the threat of litigation against the WTS (for how long, we'll see). Yet it still allows the JWs to enforce the blood policy, forcing victims to choose between immediate death and a perceived deferred death at Armageddon.

    It's a loaded WT expression, all right. Loaded with death-dealing crap.

  • M.J.

    Ha ha ha ha ha!

    Look at what the WTS says about this practice:

    Some propagandists play on pride. Often we can spot appeals to pride by looking for such key phrases as: "Any intelligent person knows that . . ." or, "A person with your education can't help but see that . . ." A reverse appeal to pride plays on our fear of seeming stupid. Professionals in persuasion are well aware of that.
  • OnTheWayOut

    Excellent post and link, M.J.

  • BurnTheShips

    That is classic! :-)

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    The above quote is a good example of a JWD expression - talking out of both sides of their mouth. They seem to be very good at condemning something on the one hand but using the exact same tactic on the R&F. Only when you have your thinking ability back can you see they do this. I remember hearing strong condemnation of the way the Pharisees were, and then to go onto a talk about what rules we must abide by for the next convention, or another example is getting people of other religions to find out about them and if they are wrong to leave, but that is forbidden to do if a baptised witness. By their saying these things are wrong they seem to put a person off of the fact that they themselves do these very things.

    CS 101

  • AnonyMouse

    That is so wierd.

    Yesterday, I picked up a dictionary, on a whim, and looked up propaganda. I was wondering if the Watchtower actually was propaganda, by dictionary deffinition.

    It fit it perfectly.

    And now, this thread starts today, you give that link, and it astounds me.

    "Making Generalizations

    Another very successful tactic of propaganda is generalization. Generalizations tend to obscure important facts about the real issues in question, and they are frequently used to demean entire groups of people."

    False religion, worldly people, apostates, the list goes on and on. They are EXTREMELY CLEARLY propagandists.

    Is there any way I can find something similar to this written in a watchtower or awake, etc?

    I can't just go pulling things off the internet, because mom changed the password, and I "don't know it". So if I use this, she'll know what I did, Watchtower site or not.

  • AnonyMouse

    "They" meaning JWs :P .

    And I just looked up thier "Why we aren't propagandists" and it was crap. I noticed it was considerably shorter.

    They also don't say that they don't do the little things assosciated with propaganda, such as generalization. They take the main use of propaganda, as in conquering a government, and denying that. And then following up with some stupid remarks like "They are good, etc,etc." to make themselves look better.

    Propaganda can be used for anything, from toppling governments to convincing a kid that he should share his lunch with you.

    And then giving a single shred of the definition from the encyclopedia. The one I read said "Writing or saying something that convinces others of the trueness of thier own opinion or belief." or somesuch similar thing.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Is there any way I can find something similar to this written in a watchtower or awake, etc?

    The Manipulation of Information is an article in

    6/22/00 Awake pp.4-8

    It is the same as the link above.

  • TheCoolerKing

    Ah, now it all makes sense! That's why my entire congregation was icy cold to me when I said that I was going to college. I took their cold shoulders to mean, "There's the door." So I left and never went back.

    My decision to further my education was influenced by my father (a non-witness). Fortunately for me,"I had explained to dad that I wanted to go to college and follow a worldly course. And my father sat me down and reviewed the realities of life to me."

  • M.J.
    And I just looked up thier "Why we aren't propagandists" and it was crap. I noticed it was considerably shorter.

    Yeah I remember reading that. It was something to the effect of: "Of course we're not propagandists! Some people accuse us of being anti-semites! The facts show we're not anti-semites! Some people accuse us of spreading American imperialist propaganda [who are these people?] But the facts absolutely show we're not imperialists! See? We're not propagandists!"


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