Hare Krishna Everyone! I left the WT a few years back but just now got online again. Good to see so many here that have opened their minds and decided to be free thinkers. I personally do believe that much of the "bible" is the word of the Creator (no need to use a false word like "god" to describe it's essence) but there are also men that wrote what they saw, heard, and thought about the spirit that can provide different viewpoints just like we are sharing here. Think about it. Those people were expressing themselves in that book just like you are here today. Why criticize a book that so many have hated, stomped on, burned and tried to stop? I wouldn't like it if the government tried to take away "to kill a mockingbird" from my bookshelf, since it's one of my favorites. But lately there has been one thing going on in the world that the bible is definitely right about. A lack of LOVE. Glad to be hear guys.
POLL: Do You Believe In The Bible or God At All???
by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends
NO to BOTH!!!
Bible - I think I just did a little pee pee with all the laughter
God - The jury is out
Ahh Minimus. Great question! Always great questions.
Yes, I believe in a form of "god". But my beliefs are far from any conventional concepts.
I no longer believe in the bible as being anything more than writing of oral traditional history of the Hebrews/Jews (OT) -- or some perverse manipulation of a great man's words for enslavement of the masses (NT)
Frannie Banannie
The bible invalidates itself in word and in the various and sundry reactions to its contents.
The jury is still out on a supreme deity.
Not at all.
No I dont anymore.
Albert Einstein had doubts about the workings of God and he was smareter than most. Perhaps, the title and definition we give to God, don't actually fit . While Man tries to know God and do his will, whatever that is, God does not seem to care in the least what happens to humans, or perhaps the laws of the universe do not allow it.
NO to BOTH!!!
No and No