Do I believe in the Bible? I believe it exists. :) I believe it has some good advice in it, if you are capable of reading selectively. I believe you could rightly construct a worldview around it, as long as you understand and acknowledge that it is your own gig, and not something handed to you by the Almighty. I wouldn't do that myself, though. The Bible was written by and for men with no evidence of divine inspiration.
Do I believe in God? The question is poorly worded. Coming immediately after "do you believe in the Bible" it makes one think of the God of the Bible. I believe I already answered that question in the first paragraph. Could an intelligent entity or entities have set up the natural processes that let to the current state of the Earth and mankind? Sure. The Universe, even? Sure. It's impossible to rule that out, and it's even plausible. But there is no evidence for it, so believing it is a matter of choice. Either way, if that entity or those entities exist, they don't seem to want anything further from us than we're already giving. Therefore their existence is moot, a fun philosophical concept to puzzle on and thresh out, but not anything that particularly matters.
Is is possible that Jehovah exists, and he set up the entire universe in such a way so as to deliberately deceive people about its origin and his existence? To make scientists believe in evolution? To make lots of people doubt his very existence? To trump up a whole fake fossil record and to instantly propagate light out across the universe in such a way that it looks like it's existed for billions of years? Of course it's possible. But if that's the case, then that guy's an asshole and I don't want to have anything to do with him.
POLL: Do You Believe In The Bible or God At All???
by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends
i don't believe in the traditional god. like others have said, you can't completly rule out the concept of god seeing as how we have no idea where the universe came from before the big bang. but rationally i can't except the bible's view of god
so no i don't believe in the bible or god
I believe the Bible is an archaic story book with quips and quotable quotes which may or may not be valid for our time.
I believe in the story of Jehovah God of the Bible whom may or may not be available now or then or ever.
I believe there was/is a Prime Cause cuz we got here somehow.
I most definitely believe in God. The Bible? I believe there is some truth in it. I do not believe it's all from God or all accurate. I don't believe God believes it's all accurate either.
Not in the least. I think it is a book of myth, no different then other myth books of the region.
No and no.