Anyone know a good hangover cure?

by fullofdoubtnow 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • lawrence

    3 hits of Lysergic! Always works, ask Brother J.R. Brown. The Frisco Ousley people are rather adept. Rock on, and give him a big hug.

  • solo

    after a very heavy nite out my tip to avoid a hang over is to have at least two pints of water and half a loaf of bread before you go to bed. Or better still drink equal parts of water to alcohol during the nite. This can be difficult though due to the ridicule you may receive from those who are more hard core drinkers. Alternativly you can just order ice and water and make out you are drinking neat vodka - that works well, make you seem like you hold your drink well.

    If i wake up with a really bad hang over I go for the toast and jam and lots of tea. A fry up is great as long as you don't feel sick otherwise it's a disaster!

    If nothing else works just head to the pub for a lunch time drinks and a big feed, that should do the job.

  • stevenyc

    Last night I went to a party. This, as far as I can remember, was my selection, over the course of 8 hours:

    pint of stella
    pint of stella
    1/2 a bottle of wine
    3 glasses of different wines
    1 carona
    1 glass of wine
    1 carona
    1 carona
    1 stella

    Can anyone guess how I feel right now?

    steve (of the 'never again!' class)

  • lawrence


    Excellent! So... you're now on rye?

  • stevenyc

    Lawrence: Excellent! So... you're now on rye?

    No my friend, REDEMPTION !


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey, Stevenyc, what is "stella"? Surely you don't mean Stella D'Oro cookies?

    One of the primary physiologic mechanisms of a hangover is DEHYDRATION.

    Get a quart of one of the electrolyte-replacing sports drinks, like GATORAIDE, add an equal amount of water, (so you have 2 quarts total) and invite him to quaff deeply of the cup over the next few hours.Be careful not to overdose on the over-the-counter pain meds like ibuprofen.

  • juni

    OMG Linda. At first I thought you meant yourself. Oh Trev. What are you doing? Was it worth it? Were you drinking too many different kinds of drinks? That'll do it.

    Yeppers. Water. Works good.

    That's a funny Ian. Drunk = no sex. Now that'll help him set his priorities right now!

    Best to you both Linda and Trev!


  • mama1119

    Definitely needs some protein, and a bloody mary! And alot of water!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    He can't remember much about last night,

    BIG CLUE, Fodn! If one is succumbing to "blackouts" while under the influence, even though temporary, they're a sign of alcoholism. Your SO could wind up some place he didn't plan on, in the company of someone he doesn't know, and find himself doing things he never thought he would......some night under a "blackout."

  • chiddy

    Didn't know they sell Stella in USA , here in the UK we call it Wife Beater!

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