Is God Self-Sufficient

by Undecided 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Does God need worship and love from other entities? It seems so by the way he made intelligent creatures. If they are to be accepted as his children they must conform to his designated way of life and thinking. Just look at mankind today because Adam made a mistake in his thinking, they are sick physically and mentally and die after a few years here. Of course he is going to fix things very soon now by making all men perfect like Adam was before he failed. I don't see how that will solve anything since it didn't work with Adam or the Devil and demons before they went astray.

    The bibles way of explaining anything doesn't make sense to me. Am I just thinking too much or should I just have blind faith in something?

    Ken P.

  • purplesofa
    Of course he is going to fix things very soon now by making all men perfect like Adam was before he failed. I don't see how that will solve anything since it didn't work with Adam or the Devil and demons before they went astray.

    Very good point.


  • OnTheWayOut

    It would seem that God needs the worship and love from other entities.

    Even as free moral agents, we have no hopes, according to the Bible and religion, unless we worship day and night.
    I was asked by a householder once, "Don't you think God, Jehovah, Jesus, Allah wanted people to enjoy life?
    Why would he want you to spend your life now preaching door to door, then eternity praising him?
    Is he that insecure?

  • purplesofa

    I was told that God knows US and what we need

    and we have the need to worship. It is programmed in us.


  • solo

    god is just like a spoilt child, he was obviously bored on his own so he made something to entertain him, then when adam and eve went their own way he had a sulk, then a tantrum by causing the flood and spitting at soddom and gommorah, then he sulked again so Jesus said don't worry I'll go and talk to them. Well he made a few friends who would play ball but Jehovah still isn't happy so looks like he'll be throwing his toys out the pram at armageddon. Maybe he just needs a good woman

  • purplesofa
    god is just like a spoilt child, he was obviously bored on his own so he made something to entertain him, then when adam and eve went their own way he had a sulk, then a tantrum by causing the flood and spitting at soddom and gommorah, then he sulked again so Jesus said don't worry I'll go and talk to them. Well he made a few friends who would play ball but Jehovah still isn't happy so looks like he'll be throwing his toys out the pram at armageddon. Maybe he just needs a good woman

    By George, I think she's got it.


  • Sunspot

    I can't speak for all "Gods", but it seems that by their own teachings, the god of the Watchtower is dependent upon the protection and good behavior of the JWs. They will tell you that Jehovah's name needs their protection and it cannot have ANY reproach brought upon it at any time.

    The JWs who engage in wrongdoing live with the fear of having Jehovah's "spirit" being removed from their entire Kingdom Hall where ALL the JWs---obedient and loyal or otherwise---would be left without this spirit. Go figure.

  • minimus

    Theoetically, does "God" NEED anything?? Does "God" have desires? Yes.....Good subject.

  • JamesThomas

    The mind creates ideas of what the word G-O-D points to; and along with that comes a huge amount of beliefs, questions and dilemmas.

    Notice how these god-ideas present themselves as some thing or object separate from the foundational and intimate sense of being and existing. Notice how these god-ideas are but a small foggy fragment compared to the crystalline vibrancy of life and being's infinite expression. Why create gods so small or any at all? Why do we so easily accept ancient and archaic myths of tiny deities as having something to do with reality? Perhaps we have forgotten how to be actually present with Life, and so make up things to take it's place.

    There is the shallow mental-interpretation of reality, which is a huge step removed from actual-reality: Reality as it actually IS. Perhaps what really IS, is what the word G-O-D points to. That, which has no beginning and no end. That, which all existence and universes reside as and in.

    This begs the question, what does this make us? Are we the shallow mental stories and mental interpretations we believe "ourselves" to be? Or is our foundational reality and Identity -- endless. Who/what are we, really? What is it that actually sees all that is believed to be?

    Perhaps when this one question is answered, there will be no more questions about God. Perhaps the purity, peace and wholeness we so desperately seek, is what we really are.

    What really looks out our eyes?



  • poppers

    Another sparkling and lucid post from JamesThomas that gets to the root of confusion. Indeed, what looks out these eyes? How many have even bothered to consider such a question, much less than actually look and discover the truth that lies within one's being. Finding that truth causes fear to evaporate, destroys separation, and puts an end to seeking "out there" for completion. Could it be as JamesThomas suggests,that You, the real You, are what you are looking for? Not ideas of what you are, but what you are prior the the arising of any idea. Dare to have the courage to actually look for yourself. You may be surprised at what is found.

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