Is God Self-Sufficient

by Undecided 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    If we are what we are what makes people so different? What causes some to be loving, others mean and wicked and everywhere in between? Are we just a material being or do we have a spirit? If we have a spiritual part when do we get it, at conception or at birth and where does it come from?

    If we came from evolution, how did a male and a female develop at the same time to produce offspring? It's all too confusing for me, maybe I should just have faith in something and be satisfied with that. I think I will go watch TV and believe what I see.

    Ken P.

  • poppers

    "If we are what we are what makes people so different? What causes some to be loving, others mean and wicked and everywhere in between?" What we really are and what we believe ourselves to be are vastly different things. It is our beliefs about ourselves and others that makes us seem different, and it is the lack of knowing what we actually are that keeps the belief in separation from others in place. Look for the source of "you" and see if there is anything there except IDEAS of what you are. Then notice what those ideas arise in. Which is more real, the changing ideas of self or the consciousness in which those ideas arise, the consciousness which is inseparable from literally everything in creation? It is this consciousness which is streaming through your eyes at this very moment, which illuminates every question arising in your mind, every sensation in your body, and every emotion flowing through you. This consciousness is one consciousness expressing itself in myriad forms - this is what you are, this consciousness. The expression of consciousness known as you (as an apparent individual separate from everyone and everything else) has forgotten/overlooked the source of out of which it has arisen. Rediscover the source, consciousness, and unloving and wicked behaviour vanishes.

  • jaguarbass

    The bibles way of explaining anything doesn't make sense to me. Am I just thinking too much or should I just have blind faith in something?

    Brother, you think just like me.

  • jaguarbass

    If we came from evolution, how did a male and a female develop at the same time to produce offspring? It's all too confusing for me, maybe I should just have faith in something and be satisfied with that. I think I will go watch TV and believe what I see.

    Ken P.

    Well, dont think your going to figure it out. No one else on this planet has.

  • parakeet

    Poppers and JamesThomas -- very insightful thoughts. I'd like to add this quotation from Alan Watts:

    "The only real "you" is the one that comes and goes, manifests and withdraws itself eternally in and as every conscious being. For "you" is the universe looking at itself from billions of points of view, points that come and go so that the vision is forever new. What we see as death, empty space, or nothingness is only the trough between the crests of this endlessly waving ocean."

  • Elsewhere

    Since before time and space were, the Tao is. It is beyond is and is not.

    All things are born of existance. Existance is born of non-existance.

    Man follows the earth.
    Earth follows the univers.
    The universe follows the Tao.
    The Tao follows only itself.

    All things end in the Tao as rivers flow into the sea.

    The Tao is nowhere to be found. Yet it nourishes and completes all things.

    Gotta love the Tao Te Ching!

  • Undecided
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    Well, I've found the place to get my answers, yea right.

    Ken P.

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