"If we are what we are what makes people so different? What causes some to be loving, others mean and wicked and everywhere in between?" What we really are and what we believe ourselves to be are vastly different things. It is our beliefs about ourselves and others that makes us seem different, and it is the lack of knowing what we actually are that keeps the belief in separation from others in place. Look for the source of "you" and see if there is anything there except IDEAS of what you are. Then notice what those ideas arise in. Which is more real, the changing ideas of self or the consciousness in which those ideas arise, the consciousness which is inseparable from literally everything in creation? It is this consciousness which is streaming through your eyes at this very moment, which illuminates every question arising in your mind, every sensation in your body, and every emotion flowing through you. This consciousness is one consciousness expressing itself in myriad forms - this is what you are, this consciousness. The expression of consciousness known as you (as an apparent individual separate from everyone and everything else) has forgotten/overlooked the source of out of which it has arisen. Rediscover the source, consciousness, and unloving and wicked behaviour vanishes.