pro I follow your logic. Coded thanks for link to the awesome lecture. Had to find the beginning of it, the introduction was mostly a waste of time but if you listened carefully, some statements made by the Russian speaker in the beginning tied in with the lecture (the part about what is "nothing" and quantum mechanics fluctuations in "empty" space)
Please correct my thinking but what is being taught (so that dummies like myself can understand) is that the universe is a/ the product of a reaction, one of the elements of the reaction is energy and the energy was neutralized in the resulting universe. In other words, the elements that caused the big bang are compounded in the resulting Universe.
Anyway, getting back to the the lecture, the professor concludes that "it is "plausible" referring to a universe resulting from nothing. Without considering the dynamics of the formation of the universe, the Bible makes the remark "inexcusable" (vs plausible), referring to God's "invisible qualities" . In other words the Bible declares that it is not plausible, the ONLY conclusion is creation; The other argument is the house analogy(design).
In the lecture,the Phd says that it is possible for ALL of the laws (or the design, or the parameters, or the path, or the nature, THE INFORMATION ) of the universe was formed as the universe formed. IN other words, the IN comes after formation according to his theory. In other words, anything and everything is possible and therefore anything and everything is true and that is why the theory is plausible. The word information speaks for itself in my opinion.
I admit that I know that God is a reality. I do not conclude that from faith or from the Bible, or from deductive or inductive reasoning or from any logic or feelings or experiences or because of something that I read, because in those things there is the possibility of being mistaken. Without indisputable evidence that God is real, scientific theories are considerable to the mind but when a person is convinced in the existence of another reality other than the physical universe, a person's thinking is trumped by that even when physical laws or apparent facts seem to create a dilemma the mind cannot discard God's existence because the mind also has knowledge that God is fact and that fact must be considered too.
I remember the first time I was faced with a dilemma was in trig class, 2 conflicting truths that cannot be reconciled. In my thinking now, the knowledge of God trumps.
(My response in this topic is not about conduct it is about creation vs a universe that formed itself out of nothing.)