by Mary 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Paragraph 7 talks about what King David did. I find it interesting that David committed adultery, had Bathsheba's husband killed when he found out she was pregnant with his child and Jehovah forgave him. No mention that all the Israelites had to ignore David for 6 months or a year is there?

    And David did not lose his "privileges" as an anointed king over God's people.


  • Ade

    This quote is interesting "God's servants study the bible and Christian publications. "
    How often we see the WTBTS quote from other books and publications - does that mean those publications are made by christians too??

    all the best

  • Pistoff

    "Paragraph 7 talks about what King David did. I find it interesting that David committed adultery, had Bathsheba's husband killed when he found out she was pregnant with his child and Jehovah forgave him. No mention that all the Israelites had to ignore David for 6 months or a year is there?"

    David broke the laws regarding adultery and murder; he abused his power by sending Uriah to the front lines; he tried to get Uriah to break the law by having sex with his wife while at war. He LIED continually.

    Why was David not stoned, under the law? He was King, and he was powerful. He did not even bring his sin to Nathan; he had to be confronted. The WT will state that his heart "must have been right" or some such nonsense, but the reality is that if a witness brings behavior to a JC, it is UNPREDICTABLE what they will do. If they don't hear that you will go to every meeting, or that it was a mistake, or even if they don't believe you, you are OUT.

    How many cases do you all know of when a young one went to the elders with behavior to confess willingly, and they were df'd? I know of dozens.

    So, while they excuse David instead of just saying it's good to be king, they punish our young ones for what is often just stupid teenager behavior. David's sin actually meets most people's definition of gross sin; an adult stealing another's mate, having him killed and covering the whole thing up. How does this compare to a young person fumbling about with his/her first sexual experience, or smoking a few cigarettes??

    All of the "accepting the counsel from the slave" nonsense cannot remove the cognitive dissonance caused by inequities like this one.

    I long ago concluded that the elders are worse than nothing; we have our expectations raised by the WT, only to be insulted by the reality of self righteous men who have no training or compassion who are trying to "evaluate a change of heart".

  • Mary
    confusedjw said: Mary you should have been a lawyer (if you aren't) or in my field troubleshooting problems

    One of my teacher's in high school told me I'd make a good lawyer after we had to participate in a debate in class where you had to defend something you didn't believe in. I did it and did it quite well, but I never pursued becoming a lawyer for several reasons: first, The Big A was coming and we all know that there would be no need for lawyers in Paradise; second: at that time I only knew about criminal law and there's no way I could have defended someone who I knew was guilty of a bad crime, nor (if I was a Prosecutor) could I try convicting someone who I thought might be innocent.

    Rabbit said: So-o...a heart transplant is 'OK' ? As long as it's from a JW "in good standing"...? (and dead?)

    It's a "conscience matter" hon.

    Purplesofa said: It is very humiliating and humbling to go through this process.

    And that is their goal: to humilate you and humble you and to break your spirit. If you ever saw George Orwell's 1984, you know that that's how they get John Hurt's character in the end: they break his mind and spirit as that's the only way you can control someone's mind. The Organization is no different.

    I also realized elders were only human, and they could ask all the silly questions they wanted to, but they are not trained psychologists, nor can they know whats going on with a persons heart.

    That's a huge problem in the Organization: People come to the elders with all kinds of mental health issues, but as you said, they're not trained Psychologists and haven't a clue what to recommend beyond the standard "pray more and go out in service more" crapola. Not only are they not trained themselves, but it's an unwritten rule that you do NOT encourage any brothers or sisters to seek professional help (beyond going on antidepressants). The "happiest people on earth" are amongst the most depressed and repressed groups on earth.

    Blondie said: And David did not lose his "privileges" as an anointed king over God's people.

    Exactly. And once again, David did not have to sit before a panel of human judges (apparently) Jehovah Himself forgave him. As as you brought out in your other thread, the Lord's prayer says "forgive us for our sins as we forgive those who sin against us".

    Ade said: This quote is interesting "God's servants study the bible and Christian publications. "
    How often we see the WTBTS quote from other books and publications - does that mean those publications are made by christians too??

    One thing I've noticed more recently, is that the WTS's literature quite often quotes from the Biblical Archaeology Review magazine (which I subscribe to) and they have quoted several scholars on various matters. What's interesting is that these scholars all agree that Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BCE, yet they don't quote that (for obvious reasons). It's a typical sleigh-of-hand tactic of theirs: taking things out of context to suit their own purpose......

  • zagor

    Anyway, paragraph 4 talks about Paul telling the congregation to DF some guy who was apparently pretty kinky as his deed of fornication "was not even amongst the nations."

    Agree with you completely. This guy was practicing what could be classified as an incest. What they are effectively saying is that smoking, taking blood to save life, giving blood, joining YMCA, having a beard, disagreeing with elders, etc is as bad as (if not worse then) having incestuous relationship. How insightful is that?!?

  • kerj2leev

    I think I remember reading that the prodigal son couldn't come home right away. Didn't he have to wait to make sure of his heart condition?

  • DanTheMan

    Hmmm.....gee, no mention of this guy having to sit before a kangaroo court while they ask him all kinds of questions about his sex life.

    This is the crux of the matter. There is no scriptural basis for the Watchtower three-man star chamber trial system. It's a tradition of men, and the most damaging of all JW practices.

    Damn them!

  • daystar
    God's servants study the bible and Christian publications. Jehovah's standards are discussed at their meetings, assemblies, and conventions. So Christians are in a position to know what Jehovah requires of them.

    Such hubris!

    It's as if I can actually hear the minds cracking to accept such mad logic as above and the rest of the article you mentioned.

  • Mary

    Hmmm.....gee, no mention of this guy having to sit before a kangaroo court while they ask him all kinds of questions about his sex life.

    This is the crux of the matter. There is no scriptural basis for the Watchtower three-man star chamber trial system. It's a tradition of men, and the most damaging of all JW practices.

    What's really pathetic, is that Disfellowshipping itself, or the way the WTS depicts it, is not even scriptural. Here is a very interesting link that shows how shunning was practiced 2,000 years ago. And it doesn't even remotely resemble the way the WTS practices it today:

  • mouthy

    God's servants study the bible and Christian publications. Jehovah's standards are discussed at their meetings, assemblies, and conventions. So Christians are in a position to know what Jehovah requires of them. Disfellowshipping takes place only if a member....unrepentantly engages in gross sin.?????

    I should be able to sue about this!!!!!!!Gross sin because I dont believe Jesus came invisably in 1914??????

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