HI again. I was wonderin' how you guys see the conspiracy of the trade center demolition and the attack on the pentagon? It has been well established now some years later that there must have been detonation devices lining the elevator shafts of the THREE trade towers that collapsed. After 1 and 2 fell, no one really ever questioned the way that 3rd one fell in the same manner (pancake collapse style, as a controlled demolition goes). The third building contained all those top secret documents and wall street investigations. Strange... www.wtc7.net has little extra info anymore...
Trade Centers/Pentagon
by Butters 82 Replies latest jw friends
fleaman uk
It has been well established now some years later that there must have been detonation devices lining the elevator shafts of the THREE trade towers that collapsed.
It has?I disagree..all ive seen are crack pot conspiracy theories from nutters.2 planes flew into the World trade center and 1 flew into the pentagon.End of story.
Not quite. Please explain WTC#7. You know, the one that a plane DID NOT hit. Also, I wouldnt' call them crack pot theories. I would say anyone who blindly follows the media is a deceived individual who has already blindly accrpted many crack pot theories. I think that there is a conspiracy here and much more to this then many realize. I am in the field of construction, and know a controlled demolition when I see one. I blindly followed an organization for years before questioning it and leaving it. The Mass media didn't help me there either...also "end of story" will probably upset those who had family members on the 4th plane that you forgot about.
have you seen this video? http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-6708190071483512003
It was posted here some time ago by skyking, if I remember correctly. It raises many questions!
Oh god, here we go again! Arggghhhhhh!!!!!!
This is just my opinion, so take it FWIW:
Please don't bring up 9/11 conspiracy theories on this board. It has been done to death, is an extremely divisive issue, and is not germane to the subject at hand (Jehovah's Witnesses.)
Again, it's just my opinion. -
I can't believe this crap is being posted yet again.
edited to say check "Conspiracy Theories" on wikipedia, and it makes sense that so many ex-witnesses bring up conspiracy theories, when you see what kind of psychological issues are at play.
These conspiracy theories have about as much validity as the Bible Codes.
Ok, ok,...
... stop!
I only saw the beginning of the video thread. I didn't known it was discussed in depth already.
Could one of you provide a link to past discussions. Thank you. Maybe we can see what you are annoyed about regarding this topic without starting all over again. I was impressed by the video...sorry .
Thanks for the warning Under_believer.
I love the nasty people on this board that too me are totally in the dark. I have went down this road on this forum before I hope you have thick skin because Seeker4 and other narrow minded posters will soon be posting nasty posts calling in to question your intelligence. They think you must buy into every things from Illuminati ruling the world to believing the moon landing did not happen. What they forget too see is we are not the only one that think this. They forget DAN RATHERS NEWS REPORT that reported that Binladin was under US guard only the night before at a Military Hospital getting treated for his Kindey problem.
They also forget that 84% do not believe the offical story. Here is a recent poll by the New York Times and CBS News stating this fact!!!!
New York time link: www.nytimes.com/2006/10/09/us/politics/10pollcnd.html?hp&ex=1160452800&en=ee2a28bd80e049d0&ei...
other links: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/October2006/141006poll.htm