anti-witness surprise today

by johnny cip 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i run into 6 sisters today . i would guess poineering. figured i'd stop and give them a try. i'm well known in this area, and wasn't even thinking they would talk with me. but i got a surprise. the young sisters, started talking with me. and i'm sure i knew at least one of the 70 year old sisters. we went into the new afake mag on blood. ( not my best wt subject) i ask the 3 20 something sisters. if you got hit by a car while out in field service today. and was dying from loss of blood at the hospital. could you tell the doctor . which blood fractions. the wt now says your allowed to have to save your life? no answers. so i said you just would bleed to death waiting for the hlc to show up? 2 of the olders sister start barking . we take no blood fractions period. i buzz tro the new awake and find the chart on fractions. hand it to sister grandma. and ask her which fractions the wt says you can now take? she gets mad closes the mag and tell me i don't understand it. sorry grandma I think it you that don't understand it. NOW I GOt there attenion. i tell them it's like a combo sandwich with ham salami, turkey, 4 cheeses, lettuce, tomato, onions. pickles,oil vingar mustard and mayo. the wt now says you can take the sandwich apart. and eat it ingredent by ingredent. but not have the whole sandwich.! then i give a little lesson on how this fractions are made from stored blood. this goes on for about 10 minutes. with the older sisters trying to justify the wt stance. i draw the line and tell them the bi8ble says to pour blood on the ground. which of these fractions made from bloodwas poured on the ground? again i ask the younger sisters what would they tell the doctor if they were going to bleed to death in 30 minutes? what sister grandma says or are you going to explain the new bllod doctrine to the doctor. that you don't understand? grand ma starts getting upset. but the young sisters are interested. i switch into false witnesses and ask grandma. is she honest? since she's been a jw since the 1940's go into vaccan ations and ask her to tell the younger sister about the vacc. ban she started turning red. i reminder her jehovah hates a false witness. now tell your young sisters how the wt said any tghinking christian would rather have small poxand polo the take a vaccanation. i asked her did you get your shots before school. she amitted no. i asked why? she wouldn't answer. so i told the young sisters her mommy was following the wt ban that has been lifted in the last 50 years. then i asked the young sister's you ever met on person with small pox or polio. ? they answer no.i tell them that at sister gradma's time , it was very common. today you next to0 never here about such deseases. why? because of shots. just think of the millions of lives saved. and at the time the wt was telling jw's you were following satan . if you got your shots. grandma was over a barrell. i switched into 1975 and the generation of 1914. and again told to 2 older jw's that jehovah hates a liar. to make a long story shorter, their were dancing on the street trying to talk there way out of this false prophecy. but the younger sisters knew i busted them. it was written all over their faces. all the while i was writing down different wt pubication dates on a wt . to back up most of what i said to prove it. i handed the wt back to the most receptive sister. with my phone number on it. about 3 hour later this sister called me up and told me her partner and her looked up some of the pub's i wrote down . and were surprised i was RIGHT. we talked about 5 minutes more . as i was working at the tim e. i gave her freemind's to look at . she said she will call me with some more question. for a rabid firebreathing apostate. i think i did real good . john


  • Quandry

    Yes, you did good, it seems. Didn't sound so rabid, either.

  • SirNose586

    Johnny, I'm suprised they didn't run away from you. You're a champ. I'm gonna edit your stories and save 'em.

  • Honesty

    Waaaayy To GO, johnny.

  • bluesapphire

    Good indeed! You did GREAT!

    I think these sisters heard enough and it was great that the granny was there because she actually probably made them doubt the WTS even more! Wish you were in my territory.

    BTW, PLEASE ... press return a couple of times after every few sentences. It's so hard to read your posts this way and I don't want to miss anything.

  • TheKings

    whoa, great job! you think those old birds will tell the elders? lol

  • Mulan


    I had an RV with a young minister when I was pioneering. He was really sharp and had lots of WT information. He asked me for copies of magazines "for research" and gave me a list, with the pages and paragraphs he was interested in. I looked them up and was shocked by all the changes over the years and the reasoning behind the changes. And I had been a JW for almost my entire life, from the age of 4 in 1950. So I should have known this stuff.

    He also had gone to a library and looked up the actual books referenced in the Trinity brochure and told me what the books really said, and how the WTS took bits and parts of sentences to make their point. I took that to an elder, who unbeknownst to me, was on his way out. He told me to write a letter to the headquarters and he would sign on it for me. I was not comfortable doing that.

    All that helped to prepare me for what would come in 3-4 years, when my husband and the above mentioned elder, both showed me why JW's could not be a true religion.

    I think you planted tons of seed today!! Good job.

  • Sunspot
    for a rabid firebreathing apostate. i think i did real good .

    I think so TOO, John!

    Keep on breathing that FIRE!



  • Kaput

    Johnny --- you da bomb !!!!!

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i posted this true encounter today for a few reasons. i didn't even post half of how i made 2 grandmother jw's stumble infront of thier pionner flock, it was like taking candy from a baby , and i was cool as a cucumber. i'm tired of some here referring to me as a wild crazy apostate. that just SCREAMS AT JW'S ON THE STREET. that's far from the facts. i've had 100's of nice encounters with jw's over the years . were i've planted many seeds. but never posted about them. i tend to come on this board and other boards. get pissed at what i read. and then tell a good story how i reamed the crap out of some Rabid jw , where they would understand nothing else. just to show weak faders. etc. how to handle such total wt zombie's. i can use the soft shoe or the heavy hammer. it's up to the jw. you will reap what you sow. and I apply this to every jw i speak with. very simple john

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