anti-witness surprise today

by johnny cip 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    funny how some that cursed me as a crazy wild SCREAMING APOSTATE IDIOT. will not come near this thread? because they know , they could never have the balls to step up to the plate with any jw. and handle any conversation with any jw. that's where I SHINE. and leave crybabies behind. john

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty


    GREAT JOB JOHNNY!!! You gave a FINE witness!!! Whew hew!!!


    Lady Liberty

  • sammielee24

    Good job hats off to you - keep up the good work! sammieswife.


    Your a trouble maker!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • uwishufish

    Good Job


  • Arthur
    funny how some that cursed me as a crazy wild SCREAMING APOSTATE IDIOT. will not come near this thread? because they know , they could never have the balls to step up to the plate with any jw.

    I'm not sure if I was one of those people you were refering to. I was one of the individuals who was urging you and sKally to show more verbal retraint; yet I certainly would never call you or anyone else on this forum names. But, enough on that topic, I dont' want to get this thread off topic.

    It seems you handled this encounter well. The blood issue certainly is getting stickier and stickier. JWs are having a hard time with the complex and labrynthine policies regarding various fractions and the technologies that use such fractions. It must be getting harder and harder for HLC members to be apologists for the idiotic policies coming out of Brooklyn. I'm sure glad I don't have to do it.

  • Stephanus
    The blood issue certainly is getting stickier and stickier. JWs are having a hard time with the complex and labrynthine policies regarding various fractions and the technologies that use such fractions.

    It'd be good if Dubs decide, instead of refusing ALL blood and fractions because the doctrine's too confusing, that they'll take it anyway, simply because the doctrine's so confusing. That'll require amajor breakdown in the WBTS' image as a Bible interpreter and lawmaker, I guess.

    Interesting how the younger ones aren't scared of rational thought. Perhaps there's still hope.

  • bebu


    Yes, you did excellent today!!

    And it's great that you can be so flexible with your audience!!


  • BabaYaga


    Dear Johnny, I think you scored a mighty win for the home team (not to mention saved a couple of 20-something sisters... it may take time... but I betcha they bail!!!)

    GOOD ON YA!!!

  • Jourles

    The next time I'm out in NY, you'll have to take me "street witnessing." I don't even see witnesses anymore. Either they do their best to hide from view after spotting me first, or else they just don't go out in service around here all that much.

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