Oh okay bear with me, they changed their wording didn't they a while ago? They did used to refer to the wild beast as the un didn't they? help me out here..... helping my mum!
In new tract they don't mention the harlot is riding on the back of the UN
by awol 24 Replies latest jw friends
The wanderer
Correct, the Society did an about face
labeling the wild beast as being the
United Nations. -See Revelation it's Grand
Climax at hand, 1988.
Now it is political governments. Probably,
a politically correct position for them
to take.
The Wanderer -
If they mentioned the UN in the tract, it might jog too many people's memories regarding their recent NGO status there. They don't want any current dubs researching that.
The Lone Ranger
I disagree.
If I remember correctly, the Harlot rides on the wide beast, and the Wild Beast represents the kings of the earth.
The "Image of the Wild" beast represents the UN.
I noticed that too... no more UN trashing. Maybe they feel weird now
Lady Liberty
Dear Awol,
Yes, indeed they did. That was before they began fornicating with her. Or maybe it was just a case of "I DID NOT have sex with that beast!" They just foreplayed a little?? As disgusting as it is a requrement of their NGO membership, they had to print good things about the UN. If you look back during the 10 years they were fornicating..oops I mean foreplaying, then you can see suddenly the beast is now a "do gooder" for the world. When I get a little more time, I will try posting some examples. Meanwhile, hows it going with your mom?? Is she receptive?? Be sure to have actual examples to show her if you can.. then she is more likely to believe what you are telling her if she sees it first hand. Hopefully, that is. Some helpful sites: http://www.randytv.com/secret/unitednations.htm
Lady Liberty
Lady Liberty
I noticed that too... no more UN trashing. Maybe they feel weird now Perhaps they feel a little, "DIRTY"! Sincerely, Lady Liberty
Lady Liberty
Watchtower 1963 11/1 Execution of Divine Judgement Upon False Religon
In Revelation, chapter seventeen, the Christian apostle John is reported as seeing a "scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had seven heads and ten horns." (Rev. 17:3) From where this beast comes or just how it comes into existence is not disclosed here. But in general outline it resembles another wild beast that John previously saw in the vision, a wild beast that the Dragon, Satan the Devil, watched as it rose up out of the sea and to which the Dragon gave a throne and power and great authority. This marine beast also had seven heads and ten horns on its heads, there being ten diadems upon the ten horns. In the light of previous Hebrew Bible prophecy this sea beast pictures Satan the Devil’s visible political organization on earth, from the days of ancient Babylon till now. As for those seven heads of the sea beast, these picture the aforementioned seven world powers that successively took headship in world politics, from the ancient Egyptian World Power down to the Anglo-American World Power of today. Curiously, an image was made of this sea beast.—Rev. 13:1-7, 14, 15.
Except for skin color, the scarlet wild beast of Revelation, chapter seventeen, is an image of the seven-headed, ten-horned wild beast out of the sea. Bible symbolisms argue that the scarlet beast is a political organization. Its heads have the same significance as the similar heads of the sea beast and thus symbolize the seven world powers of the past and present, of all of which there remain political remnants or relics to this day. This meaning is given to the heads by the angel that brought the Revelation to the apostle John. In explaining the "mystery of the wild beast," the angel said: "Here is where the intelligence that has wisdom comes in: The seven heads mean seven mountains, where the woman sits on top. And there are seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet arrived, but when he does arrive he must remain a short while. And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth king, but springs from the seven [kings, symbolized by the seven heads], and it goes off into destruction."—Rev. 17:7, 9-11.30
What does that scarlet wild beast picture? Rome, where Vatican City is located? It is true that, when John saw this vision, Rome was dominating as the Sixth World Power and had exiled John to the penal isle of Patmos as a part of its program of persecuting Christ’s true followers. It is also true that the city of Rome back there sat on seven hills. However, the seven heads that are compared to mountains and kings do not represent seven Roman kings or rulers sitting one each on each one of the seven hills of Rome. Nor do they represent seven Roman emperors ruling in succession, with five then gone, one then ruling, and one yet to arrive at Rome.31
No, that scarlet wild beast does not picture the pagan Roman Empire. It pictures something far bigger, older. It stands for the Devil’s entire visible political system that began in the days of Babel or Babylon. Its seven heads stand for the seven successive world powers, five of which had been overthrown, the sixth one of which, the Roman World Power, was then ruling in John’s day, and the seventh one, the Anglo-American World Power, being due to arrive long after John’s death.32 As regards the scarlet-colored wild beast itself, the angel said that it sprang from the seven world powers but was in itself an eighth king, an eighth world power. In the Bible, seven is a number denoting perfection; and as eight is one more than this perfect number, eight stands for something in excess, something superfluous. Since the scarlet wild beast is an eighth king or world power, the last one, it pictures a political organization that is formed after the Seventh World Power of Britain and America in alliance. The first outstanding alliance of the British Empire and the United States of America was in the first world war of 1914-1918, although there was considerable international cooperation between the two political powers prior to that war.
33 What, then, is that Eighth World Power that is last, and most recent, to step upon the world stage of action? Not the powerful Communist bloc of nations, even though the Bolsheviki took control of Russia as recently as November of 1917, after Britain and America allied themselves in World War I. Communist Russia and its satellite nations do not fit the Revelation picture; it cannot be said of this Communist bloc that it "springs from the seven," that is, from the seven preceding world powers. The Tsarist Russian Empire was never a part of those seven world powers. The Eighth World Power that did ‘spring from the seven’ within recent years and since World War I is not international Communism. Rather, it is the international peace-and-security organization, first in the form of the League of Nations and now in the form of the United Nations.
34 The Seventh World Power, of Britain and America, has been the chief advocate and backer of this international organization for world peace and security. In Revelation 13:11-15 the British-American dual world power is prophetically seen as proposing and giving the breath of life to this international organization, which is an image of the political wild beast out of the sea.
35 In harmony with this, the scarlet-colored, seven-headed wild beast, which is the Eighth World Power, must be a symbol of the now-dead League of Nations and its living successor the United Nations. Even its double appearance, or its twofold form, was foretold, not in Revelation, chapter thirteen, which tells how it comes into existence, but in Revelation 17:8, which reads:
36 "The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world."
37 The appearance of this scarlet wild beast on the earth was interrupted by its going down into the abyss, at which time it ceased to function on the earth. When did this occur? According to history, it was when World War I broke out in September of 1939 in spite of the existence of the League of Nations, which had been organized after World War I in order to preserve peace and make the world secure against, at least, another world war. From the start of that second world conflict the symbolic scarlet wild beast showed its lack of strength, its helplessness. It became, in effect, nonexistent. It indeed went down into an abyss of deathlike inability, unable to live up to its charter. It did not protect the United States of America, not a League member, from being forced into the war and again becoming a war ally of Great Britain, a League member. It did not hasten the ending of the war and the arranging of a peace conference. It was the superior might of the democratic allies, coupled with the introduction of the atomic bomb into warfare, that did so. Certainly the symbolic scarlet wild beast was in the abyss during 1939-1945.
38 But from the mid-war year of 1942 the ascending of the scarlet wild beast out of the abyss was expected by Jehovah’s witnesses, and they courageously made known their expectation in public, by word of mouth and in print, basing their confident expectation on the prophecy of Revelation 17:8. This conviction of theirs was solidly based, and so their expectation did not miscarry. Before World War II was completely over, the United Nations Conference on International Organization was being held, from April 25 to June 26, 1945, by representatives of fifty nations, not including the Nazi-Fascist powers and allies. Where? In a city of the Seventh World Power, namely, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. The Conference there concluded with the signing of the United Nations Charter by representatives of those fifty nations.
39 Who were the ones that were foremost in arranging for the United Nations organization? The same nations that had proposed and given life to the League of Nations, namely, that two-horned world power of Britain and America, which was foretold in Revelation 13:11-15. The United Nations was very similar to the League of Nations, having the same objective by similar means, and it was, in effect, the same symbolic scarlet wild beast. Thus the scarlet wild beast ascended out of the abyss.
40 On October 24, 1945, the Charter of the United Nations got the ratification of twenty-nine governments, including the leading allied powers known as the Big Five. By virtue of this the UN Charter then became part of international law. There the symbolic scarlet wild beast got out of the abyss and, in spite of some financial difficulties, it has been exerting itself as the Eighth World Power ever since. The reappearance of the scarlet wild beast on the world scene caused great wonderment among those dwelling on earth, except Jehovah’s witnesses, who were informed on the prophetic Scriptures.
41 Such dwellers on earth wondered admiringly at the revived scarlet wild beast. Much reliance was placed in its ability to be a power for world peace and security. Great expectations were held out for it, and it was given designations that were really blasphemous from the standpoint of the Holy Bible. How so? In that to this "wild beast" powers were ascribed and tasks were assigned that really belong to God’s kingdom and its Messiah or its Christ. Back in 1919 the scarlet League of Nations had been seriously called "the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth." And now the United Nations, the successor of that League, has been called the best means for peace, yes, even more than that, the "last hope for peace." So today we can see in actuality what the apostle John saw in symbol, that that scarlet-colored wild beast is "full of blasphemous names." Those expressions of admiration for it turn false religionists, not to the worship of Jehovah God the Creator, but to idolatry of a man-made creation, the worship of a political image, the worship of an international organization for world peace and security.—Rev. 17:3.
42 Is such worship of the scarlet wild beast going to save such admiring dwellers on the earth? No! For it is written that "their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world." (Rev. 17:8) But why is their religion not holding them back from committing idolatry, which is contrary to the first and second of the Ten Commandments of Jehovah God? Revelation, chapter seventeen, symbolically shows us why. It is because there is a woman riding the scarlet beast. We read:
43 "And he [the angel who appeared to John] carried me away in the power of the spirit into a wilderness. And I caught sight of a woman sitting upon a scarlet-colored wild beast that was full of blasphemous names and that had seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and was adorned with gold and precious stone and pearls and had in her hand a golden cup that was full of disgusting things and the unclean things of her fornication. And upon her forehead was written a name, a mystery: ‘Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.’ And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. Well, on catching sight of her I wondered with great wonderment [but, of course, not admiringly]."—Rev. 17:3-6.
44 The fact that the woman was "drunk with the blood of [God’s] holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus," what does that prove? It proves she is against Jehovah God and against his Son Jesus the Messiah or Christ. She is therefore not on the side of the one true worship, the one true religion. The name on her forehead, although a mystery, betrays who the woman is. The main part of her name is the name of Jehovah God’s ancient enemy, Babylon. But she is greater than that city built under Nimrod’s direction on the Euphrates River; that is why she is called "Babylon theGreat." The ancient city of Babylon was, clear down to its disastrous fall in 539 B.C., outstandingly religious; she was a leader in false worship. Ah, now, we see that themysteriousBabylontheGreatis,notpaganRomeofthesevenhills,buttheworldempireofBabylonishreligionthatgathersalltheworldinunderitsdominion.
45 That is why the angel said to John in explaining the mystery: "The waters that you saw, where the harlot is sitting, mean peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. And the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth." (Rev. 17:15, 18) She sat on those symbolic waters and held kingdom over earth’s rulers long before the scarlet beast was set up as an idolatrous image. As soon as this symbolic wild beast appeared after World War I she climbed on its back. In view of her religious power, that was easy for her. When the scarlet "wild beast" went into the abyss during World War II she continued to sit "on many waters," namely, on the peoples, crowds, nations and tongues, and to exercise "kingdom over the kings of the earth." (Rev. 17:1) When the "wild beast" ascended out of the abyss with the help of especially its seventh head, the Anglo-American World Power, Babylon the Great at once climbed upon its back, and there she sits till this day.
46 It was but to be expected that she would ride this beast, it being a political organization, a world power. Babylon the Great is a harlot and is named "the mother of the harlots." God’s angel said she is the "great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication." (Rev. 17:1, 2) Since the scarlet wild beast symbolizes a political organization, the Eighth World Power, and its seven heads symbolize "seven kings" or seven world powers, Babylon the Great would follow her regular course and commit fornication with it just as she had committed fornication with the previous seven world powers and other "kings of the earth." Symbolically speaking, she would be committing fornication with a wild beast, which act is bestiality, a sin that is loathsome and that is condemned by God’s law.—Lev. 20:15, 16.
47 Her fornication consists in her uniting of her religion with politics, playing along with politics for her own enrichment. She is intensely interested in politics, but this is especially in order that she may control worldly politics for her own advantage, dictating to the politicians. She presumes to have the divine right to crown and uncrown kings. She has prostituted herself to the political rulers. She has yielded her religious power to serve the ambitions of the rulers, even to blessing their armies with slaughter weapons and sanctifying their selfish wars, and giving to those who get killed while trying to kill others in warfare a direct passport into heavenly glory. No wonder she is so brilliantly dressed.
48 What, though, have the common people got from her committing her fornication with worldly rulers? This, as stated: "those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication." They have been made to suffer from all the selfish, ambitious, aggressive, covetous schemes that she blessed and in which she cooperated just to please the political rulers, her handsomely paying paramours. The people have been made to reel and have been stupefied by all the trouble, affliction, privation, hardship and oppression that have been given them to drink from the "golden cup" of Babylon the Great. The fact that she has religiously told the suffering peoples that these things are Heaven’s will for them has not lightened their sufferings, healed their wounds or comforted their aching hearts. Her golden cup is filthy inside.
49 Babylon the Great’s harlotry has made her a mother, but a mother of bastard children, who take after their mother’s ways. So she is the "mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth." Locally, in the various nations, she has produced daughter organizations, religious systems either united with the local government in unions of Church and State or closely tied in with the national political system and serving as a handmaiden, a concubine for it. She also mothers disgusting things, things that are particularly disgusting to God, such as persons sanctified for prostitution at her temples, gambling on religious property for receiving her percentage of the unjust gain, idolatries with images, and so forth.
50 A heavy bloodguilt before God the Creator weighs down on Babylon the Great. She shares in the blame for the wars she has not used her mystical power to prevent. She shares in the guilt for the bloodshed of those she blessed as she offered them for sacrifice to the god of war, even though they fought on opposite sides of the conflict, religious brother against religious brother. In the name of religion she has carried on intolerant persecution. She has stirred up brutal religious wars, of one religion against another. She has proclaimed holy wars, with promises of heavenly rewards for those who die fighting in them. She has promoted fanatical crusades, not only against the so-called infidel, but against those whose religion she has tried to wipe out with flame and sword. Her religious inquisitions have been hideous, fiendish. History records how subserviently she played her mighty part in both of those bloodiest conflicts of mankind, World War I and World War II. In these ways she killed off mainly her own religionists, yet these have all been God’s creatures, and he holds Babylon the Great accountable for their blood.
51 In her religious persecutions she has specially sinned against God the Creator. The apostle John calls attention to her bloodguilt in this respect by saying: "And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus." (Rev. 17:6) Drinking blood has been no problem for her, even though Noah, the great-grandfather of Nimrod, was given God’s command to drink no blood. (Gen. 9:3, 4) Babylon the Great, however, has experienced intoxicating pleasure by drinking the blood of God’s holy ones and the witnesses of Jesus Christ, by declaring them heretics, a menace to Babylonish religious society, and persecuting them to the death with help of the State.
52 Is it any wonder, then, that a vision was given to one of these suffering "witnesses of Jesus" to picture how divine judgment will be executed upon this world empire of Babylonish religion? Not at all! John introduces this particular part of the Revelation to us, saying: "And one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls [full of the anger of God] came and spoke with me, saying: ‘Come, I will show you the judgment upon the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, whereas those who inhabit the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’" (Rev. 17:1, 2) How was the judgment executed?
Lady Liberty
At any rate, can we not rehash this old stuff anymore? Please! Let's just make our own wild beast, say, OUTLAW or somebody...the last thing I need is a refresher from the big red book of death.
They do have a footnote referencing the reader to the Revelation Climax book. Many times the WTS does this betting that the reader will not have access to the footnoted information.