I want to get a solid opinion on this chapter from everyone. 2nd Corinithians 3 is a major set back for those who believe in keeping the 10 commandments. Possibly. Can someone comment on this chapter? Thanks
2nd Corinthians 3
by Butters 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
II Cor. 3:12 NOT!
Hi Carmel, I don't understand your reply. Could you elaborate a little further on this one? Thank you. Or are you just being facetious? If so, please don't be. I posted this in this area because this is a serious discussion forum. If you want to joke around please do so in another forum.
Little Bo Peep
Basically it is the old covenant verses the new. The old is stripped away, leaving the new remaining. The new gives hope as well as freedom from the bondage and weight of the old law. Rom 7:6 says, " But now we have been discharged from the Law, because we have died to that by which we were being held fast, that we might be slaves in a new sense by the spirit, and not in the old sense by the written code." Hebrews chapters 8-10 also contrast these two codes.
As a side note, in the NWT, 2 Cor 3:17,18, the use of the name "Jehovah" is NOT a quote from the OT, as I always assumed! It has been added, leaving us to wonder if in fact it is really speaking about Jesus. There are numerous scriptures I have found with these incorrect additions.
Paul had an antinomian or perhaps more technically an "anomian" stance towards the Torah (i.e. that the covenant mediated by Moses is obsolete), and thus claims that the old Law "puts a veil over the hearts" of its adherents. The distinction he makes is globally between the Law and the new covenant mediated by Christ, not against individual provisions of the Law per se. In other words, he writes against having a static, stultifying Law code when the Spirit is there to guide Christians morally. This does not mean that Christians can break any and all "commandments," just that one is no longer required to pay attention to the old Law. One would not "keep the 'Ten Commandments,' " but one would automatically live in a way that is in accord with many of them by being in Christ; Paul thus said that those who commit murder, steal, covet, or commit adultery and idolatry would not inherit the kingdom or act in a way contrary to Christ (Romans 1:29, 2:21, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Paul inherits from rabbinic Judaism the halakhic idea that the commandments are themselves summed up in one basic principle stated in the Torah...love for neighbor:
"The commandments, 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder,' 'Do not steal,' 'Do not covet,' and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law" (Romans 13:9).
This is what Paul means by the Christian way as "written on hearts" in 2 Corinthians 3:2-3; he is talking about love. This love is revealed by Christ, like a veil being removed from one's heart (v. 15).
if you carfeully read Leolaia's post then turn to the book of Hebrews reading chap 8:1 - 13 , you will obtain a full answer to any saying the first covenent must be followed to the nth degree even down to the ten commandments. specifically verse 13 .
all the best
Ade -
If applied to it's fullest degree, the new covenant is more difficult to fulfill than the first. I've attempted to adopt a personal ethic that states, "Do no harm". That's really tough to do! How do I know if a chance word today sets a person on a harmful course for generations? I scolded a begging drunk yesterday, "Don't sneak up on people, you are scaring them!" I had to weigh the risk of offending the drunk against protecting my fellow transit patrons.
So how do we avoid keeping the 10 commandments? And how are they bad? I never understood this as a witness or bible reader. It seems to me that all the things written in the 10 commandments are good, and it seems that the ark is still with God in Revelation 11:19, so how can the commands themselves be gone? I think it is just referring to the tablets they were written on, and the law is supposed to be written now on our heart according to Jeremiah 31:31-34... So the Sabbath is "good holy and righteous" as Paul says... We are supposed to "do good on the sabbath day" and recognize Messiah as "the lord of the sabbath" and that the "sabbath was made for MAN" right?
IN other words, I was trying to find out why Sunday is the day to meet on, and why Christians have always chosen that day, when it has nothing to do with the bible other then one verse in 1 Cor 16 which is dealing with a one time only collection for dying saints.
"So how do we avoid keeping the 10 commandments? And how are they bad? I never understood this as a witness or bible reader. It seems to me that all the things written in the 10 commandments are good, and it seems that the ark is still with God in Revelation 11:19, so how can the commands themselves be gone?"
Its not the matter of trying to "avoid" the ten commandments, if you perform them you are not sinning, as those commandments would be covered fully by the "love you neighbour as yourself commandment and the Love God first and foremost commandment"Your are sinnin if you try to live by them, when Jesus replaced the fact we need to live by a law code as Gods grace currently makes us righteous
The commandments were given ( IMO ) to show Gods chosen nation the way in which they firstly, should live to be a special people to God, Secondly, thirdly, to point to the fact that they werent capable of holding the law to its fullest ( only a perfect man could )showing them they needed a saviour, the scriptures say that basically the law exposed sin, so it shew the people they were far from perfection, therefore prefiguring ( as was done by the prophets and the law ) that something better was to come.During the LAW phase , God was holding mans sin against him as man had a "law code" to live by.
"It seems to me that all the things written in the 10 commandments are good, and it seems that the ark is still with God in Revelation 11:19, so how can the commands themselves be gone?"
If we reason this slowly - the ten commandments are Good ( for a perfect man etc ) would you like to try and live and be judged out of the ten commandments ?? do you think many of us would be deemed righteous ?? i doubt it, as prementioned the commands EXPOSED sin, whilst they are of an extreme righteous standard, it is nonetheless one we cannot attain as humans.
so briefly according to my understanding ( and some may wish to set me straight ) there is no error in the Ten commandments and no problem with them still being with God, as they were put there for a specific reason at a specific time.They are better than good they are perfect - so we can not possibly attain them in our current form.
I hope this helps
If not Mail me and i will discuss this further with you
All the best