My mom called to tell me that my cousin made MS and how happy everyone is. We got to talking about how the elders think they are led by holy spirit and crap like that. It damn near killed me not to say anything but my cousin is a double lifer. He pretends to be a good witness but he is anything but. He looks down at apostates but as long as you are not one that is okay. He had an affair with a married woman at his work. I have seen him smoke, gamble and he even slept with a stripper on a visit here. If only they knew. Like the title of my post holy spirit my ass. If he ever gets busted I am going to bring up our prior conversation about holy spirit and how he was appointed while he was doing all his sleeping around. I called him on the phone and congratulated him on a snow job well done. We have a love/hate relationship. Never have really gotten along but he has been there for me through some tough times. I could not help from laughing when I told him mom thought he had been appointed by holy spirit. All I got was silence from him. I was like and you still don't believe the witness beliefs are crap? He just said he knew he was in the right religion and told me I had no right to judge him because I was soon to be an unwed mother. I told him I was not judging him persay just his religion and asking how he could still believe it. I asked him if he was going to change his wicked ways now that he was working his way up the corporate ladder and he told me to mind my own damn business. I am still laughing my ass off that he got appointed a MS.
Holy spirit my ass!!!
by unbeliever 34 Replies latest jw friends
yeah i know a few ministerial servants and elders that prove holy spirit doesnt have ANYTHING to do with their appointments!
he'll probably clean up his act for a short while and then get sneakier about what he does do, so as not to get caught
maybe the "holy" spirit is a horny, lying, yer right..
Hells Fairey
It just adds to the proof that the religion is a farse and full of Hypocrites..
Oh well, hopefully you can love him and forgive him as he is family. We must try and help these people out of the organization is the point, right? The best thing to do is always feed your enemy, love them, give them a drink, forgive them. It is like pouring hot coals on their head. Apparently. If that doesn't work, just get the real hot coals...
There is definitely a Spirit among Jehovah's Witnesses.
He has not done anything to me that he needs forgiveness from me for. He certainly is a hypocrite but I love him none the less. I hope he does leave the org one day and for the life of me I don't know why he stays. I am not going to try and get him out. If he wants to stay a witness fine with me.
That is so funny, I can not believe the way your cousin reacted.
When I was at Bethel I kept hearing about brothers being appointed that were doing gross sins. Yet the Bethel Elders involved in the appointments still had the hide to say that Holy Spirit was directing their decisions. That was the very first thing that opened my eyes to the truth about the WTS. Hopefully your cousin will have your comments swimming around in his brain for years to come, and may one day join you on the correct side of reality.
One other thing I find ironic is the amount of xjw's that know about his double life and his antics. Anyone of them could blow him out of the water at anytime. He knows they won't because that would be something a JW would do. His JW friends would turn him in in a heartbeat but he feels he is above xjws. What a joke.
I've played blackjack with at least 3 elders.
ONE elder once told me he sees nothing wrong with smoking the "odd stogie" and gambling once in a while. He now has District Convention responsibilities!