Mars bars made with blood
by 5thGeneration 29 Replies latest jw friends
Hells Fairey
Who cares....they taste yummy..
I remember yrs ago when the 'Skittles' thing came out, i wernt allowed to eat the red ones....tho thinking about it, purple and orange would of been mixed with the red dye, containing cotcheniel (sp?)
That was one of those urban legends that still hasn't died.
Almost 26 years ago this QFR appeared. I'm surprised that this sister found it necessary to query the company 15 years ago. Could have solved the whole problem by using the WTS Index.
*** w79 3/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
Lecithin is found in blood. And many processed foods have lecithin as an ingredient. Is such lecithin obtained from blood?
The fact that blood contains lecithin has been of concern to some Christians who have seen lecithin listed as an ingredient on food labels. The Bible commands Christians to ‘abstain from blood.’ (Acts 15:28, 29) They should thus avoid eating unbled meat and foods made with blood, such as blood sausage or blood pudding. Since red blood cells, though, contain concentrations of lecithin, some Christians have refused to eat any product having lecithin listed as an ingredient. Others have felt compelled to write to manufacturers to check on the source of the lecithin used in certain foods.
However, TheEncyclopediaAmericana continues: "Commercially, lecithin is used as an emulsifier in the food industry, particularly in the manufacture of margarine and chocolate. Lecithinforindustrialusesisobtainedfromeggsorasaby-productinthemanufactureofsoybeanoil." (Italics added.)
Because commercial quantities of relatively inexpensive lecithin can be obtained from eggs or soybean oil, there is no reason for any manufacturer to seek to have lecithin extracted from blood. By way of illustration: Red blood cells also contain molecules of iron. Yet how senseless it would be for a manufacturer to consider extracting iron from blood so he could make cooking pots or other iron products when the same substance (iron) can be obtained from iron ore at a fraction of the cost.
The fact is, then, that commercial lecithin does not come from blood. So Christians need not be concerned about blood when they see "lecithin" listed on the label of some food product.
Hells Fairey
I just thought, maybe thats just what the elders tell their fat wives..
that is really bizaar, i never heard that one when i was in, but it is typical and funny at the same time
I suppose the dubs in Britain have a problem with blood pudding then? What about blood oranges?
There is real blood in blood pudding.
No blood in blood oranges, it is just a reference to their color.
I was going to say the same thing. There is actually blood in blood pudding!
Blondie, it may have been more like 17-18 years ago when the Lecithin thing became a topic again in my area.
No CD ROM meant quickly fading memories back then! LOL
Isn't it nice that we don't have to worry about such things today because we can have fractrions?
No CD ROM meant quickly fading memories back then! LOL
Maybe, but there were WT indexes back then and were used by the JWs I knew when they had a question. Many elders would ask, "have you looked it up in the index?" It was an emotional question back then which is why the WTS finally stated it so clearly. Then if you ate a candy bar and some overly "sensitive" sister or brother who could not let it go could be told, "the WTS says that there is not problem with eating a candy bar," and refer them to the QFR.