figure that if Bambi will just walk up to you, how can you put her on your plate?
Otherwise, I fully agree with your logic. JW's will shut out your logic, though. Their minds are programmed to
return to mantra when confronted with logic conflicts. "The light is getting brighter and brighter- I will
understand better in the future." "Satan keeps transforming himself into an angel of light- beware what his
apostate agents say, don't engage in these debate." There are others.>>>>>>
OnTheWayOut, actually the J.W.'s that visited me seemed quite sure that people will be vegetarians in paradise. Now don't tell me they're preaching different theologies in different countries!?! They even quoted the Bible to support that idea. (something about wild beasts being harmless, and lamb no longer afraid of the wolf... tigres or lions eating grass... I KNOW I'm qutiong this all wrong, but I'm too lazy to find those verses)...
Basically, what they said was that people and animals will be vegetarians because "death will be no more". Which makes sense... (since meat is dead animal...) .... But how is it possible to support that idea while chewing on a big steak? That was my point. What about "practice what you preach" ? Why bother doing anything right in this life if the ideals from the Bible are saved strictly for paradise? (because some seem to be).
Yes, I know they'll have some great answer for this and I'll just sit there clueless... Oh well... I can't resist. ;)