The Battery is almost Dead.

by KW13 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82
    Special tract campaign will help to sort the deserving from the not so deserving.

    Yo dude! 6 million JWs X 50 tracts per JW = 300 million tracts to be distributed.

    Let's distort reality for a moment and pretend that the majority of the tracts will actually be distributed, rather than end up collecting dust on the publisher's bookshelf.

    Earth's population, I believe, is somewhere around 6.5 billion.

    So, how does the tract work help "sort the deserving from the non-deserving" amongst the 95% of earth's population, 6.2 billion (with a B), who will never see it?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  • MidwichCuckoo
    Jehovahs organisation goes from strength to strength. Increase every year.

    They breed their own - the increase is due to Baptising them before they're weaned. They'll be chucking foetuses in the Baptismal pool soon.

  • Finally-Free
    Here in Canada, they spent over 18,000,000 hours preaching and there was a 0% increase.
    They breed their own

    In other words, the rate of JW breeding is roughly equal to the rate of people leaving the cult here in Canada. If they want to see any increase here they'd be wise to distribute Viagra to their members instead of tracts and magazines.


  • MidwichCuckoo

    ((The Watchtower Society is quickly becoming someone trapped in mud who is sinking and trying everything they can to get free ))

    What absolute noncense!!!

    I absolutely agree with you Scotsman, absolute nonsense - I prefer to liken the WTBTS to a headless chicken.......died years ago, but won't stop twitching.

    Happy Belated Birthday Karl

  • Sunspot
    Special tract campaign will help to sort the deserving from the not so deserving.

    Ah....yes....I used to share this view....but this was back when we were told FOR YEARS, by those who write for the WTS....that we were out there to separate the sheep from the goats!!! Am I mistaken, or has the WTS flip-flopped on THAT "TEACHING" as well? Your comment sure sounds that way.

    Scotsman....I'd be willing to say you are not an oldtimer in the WTS. You would have realized that 30 years ago theis SAME MESSAGE on a very similar tract...

    ...was distributed by many of US back then with ALL THE URGENCY that I imagine you are being prompted to whip up today!

    This is nothing new....and is being shoved down the JWs throats (again) to keep YOUR interest up and the numbers of JWs from declining. The average Joe or Jody that you "call on" to place this tract.....have no interest in becoming JWs OR in the WTS scare tactics of the "END" being ...




    (three times for emphasis, mind you)

    You are following MEN who have proven that they don't KNOW what they are talking about. You are making a fool of yourself running around with this message in your heart and those tracts in your hands.

    JESUS taught love, forgiveness and mercy....and in invtation to come to HIM...

    The Watchtowergod teaches death, fear and destruction UNLESS you come into the Watchtower and become a JW, otherwise you are going to be toast.

    After 30 years AS a JW....I chose Jesus and HIS invitation.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Scotsman wrote:

    Jehovahs organisation goes from strength to strength. Increase every year. Special tract campaign will help to sort the deserving from the not so deserving.

    Would you have some figures handy to back that assertion up? Thought not.

    You do like to exaggerate here, don't you.

    We don't have to exaggerate about the wts being a false prophet who are forever changing their doctrine. Their own literature does it for them far more eloquently than any of us ever could. If you don't believe me, click on this link:

    As an example,

    Will the people of Sodom and Gomorrah be eligible for resurrection

    • 1879 - Will be resurrected
    • 1955 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1965 - Will be resurrected
    • 1967 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1974 - Will be resurrected
    • 1988 - Will not be resurrected
    • 1988 - Will be resurrected
    • 1989 - Will not be resurrected

    There's many more. Good post Karl, and a good analogy, comparing the wts to a battery, except that a battery can sometimes be recharged, but I can't see anything recharging the wts.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    but I can't see anything recharging the wts

    A little ECT wouldn't go amiss.

    That's one helluva flip-flop - those deceased in Sodom and Gomorrah won't know whether they're coming or going.

  • greendawn

    They have been preaching the end since 1880 or so at that time the got the 1914 date from the adventists, 1874 was the year when Jesus came invisibly and there would be 40 years of gathering the elite until 1914. The date failed but the resourceful dubs changed the dates and carried them forward until 1995 and then admitted their explanation over those 80 years was wrong. But still the end is very near.

  • delilah

    SCotsman said,"Jehovahs organisation goes from strength to strength. Increase every year. Special tract campaign will help to sort the deserving from the not so deserving

    I know of a lot of JW's who will be distributing this tract, who are not deserving!! How's it gonna sort them out? They really believe they have a one way ticket to the new system, but their actions prove otherwise.

  • Sunspot

    I have to's urgent message is being distributed over a two-week period, is that right? (With another two weeks in November?) Each publisher is getting 50 tracts to give out.

    OTOH, in the 70's and 80's....WE were given 100 tracts with this "same urgent message" to be distributed in TEN days!

    Was it MORE urgent back then?

    Is the WTS making fools of the JWs.....once again?

    Things that make you go.....hmmmmm.

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