Notes from the 10/7 annual mtg of JWs

by looking_glass 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • looking_glass

    I don't know if this was already posted, but I have gotten it a couple of times now from friends who are still active JWs. Clearly it is ring the bell time, as you can tell by the notes taken. Enjoy. I was doubled over laughing the whole time.

    Subject: Annual Meeting Notes

    This year's annual meeting was as wonderful as ever – and the theme of urgency of our times was repeatedly emphasized. To that end, you may be as excited as me to hear that our 2007 theme text is

    Zeph. 1:14 – The great day of Jehovah is near."

    In his talk, Brother Anthony Morris of the GB asked 'when the son of god gives a command, are we going to listen'? He was referring to the instructions at Matt 24:17,18 where he instructed those in Jerusalem to not go into their homes - even if they were simply on their rooftops - to get their "things" before heading for the mountains. Are we going to want to delay so we can be "more balanced" about how we perceive things should be? Might we be inclined to be sidetracked by material things?

    As never before we must keep our sense of urgency! Then he stated "The Governing Body is convinced that the Great Day of Jehovah is near!"

    There were reports from Togo, Lebanon, Ecuador, US, and France and interviews with Branch Committee members. The program ended with 3 talks from members of the GB….

    Bro Samuel Herd's talk was "Finding Contentment with Your Lot in Life".

    He said contentment is not a natural characteristic – but must be cultivated. It can be accomplished once our basic needs (food, love, protection) are met. Paul said he learned to be self-sufficent / content. Contentment is to be satisfied inward feeling about our circumstances. Contentment is the top of our spiritual ladder which we must keep striving to achieve. The first wrung of the ladder is "trust in Jehovah".

    Brother Lett spoke on "Survivor or Casualty – Which Will you Be?"

    People will fight w/ all their might to stay alive physically, but do nothing or very little to stay alive spiritually. He was speaking NOT about worldly people – but about our fellow brothers and sisters! There are many spiritual casualties right now. More than just a desire to be spiritual is needed. He outlined an 8-step program based on 2 Pet 1:5….
    1. Faith – opposite of doubt
    2. Virtue – moral excellence w/ the right motive. Example: refusing to overindulge in alcohol – not virtue unless it's done for the right motive – which is to please God.
    3. Knowledge – must put forth earnest effort to study
    4. Self-control – must build it up in small things first – examples: do we have self-control to shut the TV off when a questionable program comes on?
    5. Endurance – withstanding stress, keep going. Are we slowing down because we are getting tired waiting for the Great Tribulation? We have need for endurance, even when difficult
    6. Godly Devotion – being personally attached to Jehovah. This will keep us from "going through the motions" of serving God and will also prevent us from being stumbled by anything and everything.
    7. Brotherly Affection – fondness, affection for our brothers even though we know/see their weaknesses/faults. We must not look at their flaws, but rather view them as Jehovah does, and be ready to die for them.
    8. Love – for Jehovah and for our bro&sis. We must make peace with our b&s and bury any problems in an unmarked grave!

    Bro Guy Pierce – "Remain in God's Love"

    God's love never fails in ANY circumstance. Rom 8:38, 39 – Nothing can separate us from god's love. He genuinely cares for each one of us. Even death can not separate us for the safest place to be is in God's memory. If we are really convinced that this is the truth – then we must live it meaning our entire life style. Mark 12:30. Our enemy is Satan, he fights dirty.

    Ezek 9:4 – mark in the foreheads of those who are sighing and groaning over the detestable things being done today. The question for us is – are we being entertained by those very detestable things? If so, how can we receive the mark?

    There were 13,397 in attendance

    We have a new release of a video "JW's Organized to Share the Good News".

    We closed with a song.

  • AuldSoul
    Faith – opposite of doubt


    Faith is expectation assured and evidence demonstrated in response to things doubted.

  • Jourles
    Brother Anthony Morris of the GB asked 'when the son of god gives a command, are we going to listen'? He was referring to the instructions at Matt 24:17,18

    Yeah, I'm sure when Tony said "...are we going to listen," he followed that sentence with a big wink. Because we all know(and so does every jw) that Tony thinks he is one of the "son[s] of god." And when he gives a command, he expects everyone else to follow it.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I especially enjoyed this part The red is my comment

    He outlined an 8-step program based on 2 Pet 1:5….

    1. Faith – opposite of doubt
    • Nothing like closing the mind. Whatever hap[pened to "make sure of all things"? duh! that's only for those they are trying to con
  • Virtue – moral excellence w/ the right motive. Example: refusing to overindulge in alcohol – not virtue unless it's done for the right motive – which is to please God.
    • Now it isn't good enough to behave the expected way. You have to do it for the reasons the WTS dictates
  • Knowledge – must put forth earnest effort to study
    • Yup get your nose back to the WT literature. Checking to make sure the WTS got it right is forbidden of course
  • Self-control – must build it up in small things first – examples: do we have self-control to shut the TV off when a questionable program comes on?
    • Wouldn't want anyone watching a TV program that exposes the WTS or takes time away from WTS activities
  • Endurance – withstanding stress, keep going. Are we slowing down because we are getting tired waiting for the Great Tribulation? We have need for endurance, even when difficult
    • And we all know how stress affects the body so keep going even if it kills you (from what my daughter says her father is seriously ill due to stress induced illness. Seems he gets better whenever he doesn't go to meetings and gets sick again when he does go)
  • Godly Devotion – being personally attached to Jehovah. This will keep us from "going through the motions" of serving God and will also prevent us from being stumbled by anything and everything.
    • "being personally attached to Jehovah" I thought that was reserved for those of the remnant who have died and taken their place in heaven. Isn't the great crowd just hanger-ons who aren't even saved by Christ's death?
  • Brotherly Affection – fondness, affection for our brothers even though we know/see their weaknesses/faults. We must not look at their flaws, but rather view them as Jehovah does, and be ready to die for them.
    • "even though we see their weaknesses and faults" Aren't they supposed to be marked, considered poor association and kept at arm's lenngth? Aren't they ignored and shunned and cast out? Aren't JWs told to not even pray for those who arer DFed or DAed?
  • Love – for Jehovah and for our bro&sis. We must make peace with our b&s and bury any problems in an unmarked grave!
    • Ah yes make peace with our b&s and bury a problem. Now this one I think they have ruight. The WTS is really good at burying problems like pedophilia, spousal abuse and child abuse. The pile of dirt swept under the WTS carpet is so large that you would need rock climbing gear to get over it.
  • kittyeatzjdubs
    Bro Samuel Herd's talk was "Finding Contentment with Your Lot in Life".

    He said contentment is not a natural characteristic – but must be cultivated. It can be accomplished once our basic needs (food, love, protection) are met. Paul said he learned to be self-sufficent / content. Contentment is to be satisfied inward feeling about our circumstances. Contentment is the top of our spiritual ladder which we must keep striving to achieve. The first wrung of the ladder is "trust in Jehovah".

    Ummmm...can we say CULT?!

    Find contentment with your LOT in life=Even though you would like to be an individual and live life how you want, you just need to do what we say, don't question it, and BE HAPPY DAMMIT!

    Contentment is not a natural characteristic=Since when? Does a mother have to force herself to be content when snuggling her newborn child? Do you have to learn to like being held in the arms of you lover? It's not natural when you don't like the original task at hand to begin with.

    The first rung of the ladder is ''trust in Jehovah''=Don't question what we say. We're the GB and we are INFALLIBLE!!!

    ~luv, jojo

  • candidlynuts

    what is the purpose of the annual meeting?

    why are only a select few allowed to attend?

    it doesnt sound any different than any other meeting/special assembly day.

  • Bryan

    Did he say the talks were given by the Revered Reverend Jim Jones?

  • Bryan
    Brother Anthony Morris of the GB asked 'when the son of god gives a command, are we going to listen'?

    Since the GB are the mouthpiece of God... certainly they are also the mouthpiece of Jesus.

    "Jesus says.... Kill the Apostates!"

    Jesus says... Clap your hands.

    Jesus says... hate your parents.

    Sing a song... Ah! Jesus didn't say!

  • proplog2

    This report is clearly a PR piece sent out by the Watchtower. It simultaneously has shown up everywhere. Who wrote it? Nobody knows.

    I've gotten three copies of it from different JW's in different parts of the country.

    Why aren't there other reports circulating out there?

    This is a very carefully contrived campaign.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Cool! Thanks for sharing!

    >> Are we going to want to delay so we can be "more balanced" about how we perceive things should be? (Just so we're clear, "balance" is bad? Gotcha.)

    >> "The Governing Body is convinced that the Great Day of Jehovah is near!" (Wow! They've been "sure" for over a hundred years, but now they are "convinced"!)

    >>"Finding Contentment with Your Lot in Life" (You better, 'cause without an education or overtime pay, it's not gonna improve!)

    >>Faith – opposite of doubt (And a doubt would be ... thinking? So no thinking. Gotcha. [Man, this is GOOD stuff!])

    >>Virtue – moral excellence w/ the right motive. Example: refusing to overindulge in alcohol – not virtue unless it's done for the right motive – which is to please God. (So I might be doing good, but I might still not BE good? Wow, I guess I should feel even MORE guilty than I do now.)

    >>Endurance – withstanding stress, keep going. Are we slowing down because we are getting tired waiting for the Great Tribulation? (Remember that "content with your lot" tripe earlier today? Stop whining and get yer nose back on that grindstone!)

    >>God's love never fails in ANY circumstance. (Unless you're disfellowshipped, of course. But that goes without saying.)

    >>Even death can not separate us for the safest place to be is in God's memory. (Does ANYBODY consider what a phrase like this puts in the head of an already unbalanced person? "My kids would be safe if I could just...")

    Nice to see they aren't just beating the same old drum, eh? Really bustin' out the fresh material. :-)


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