Did you know anyone in the "truth" that was in an abusive relationship?

by The wanderer 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Did you know anyone in the "truth" that was in an abusive relationship?

    This topic of discussion draws its inspiration from a prior thread
    about a woman's perspective regarding the Watchtower Society.

    The organization maintained the ideal family life

    Making your family life happy, Happiness how to find it and
    the Watchtower and Awake Magazines for the most part
    showed the ideal family life with husband, wife, and child-
    ren perfectly content.

    A perception of reality?

    After having read a disturbing account about how one
    individual was treated by her husband it led me to
    writing this thread.

    • Was the Watchtower's perception of
      family life reality or was it distorted?

    • Did you know of anyone that was in the
      organization that was in an abusive re-

    Please add your commentary in order
    to help individuals such as yourself.


    The Wanderer

  • Butters

    Just seeing that kind of stuff makes me want to go ballistic. Anyone who would ever strike a woman deserves to have his balls ripped off and fed to an ostrich. Then, someone needs to take his penis and stuff it in a cobra's pit. Then, someone needs to stick dynamite up his ass and light the fuse, but not before performing all the actions that Wesley described in "The Princess Bride" to Prince Humperdink. Only a sick twisted person who is a complete evil bastard would hurt a woman. Sick world and it's men. God I hope we die.

  • snarf

    Yes, I myself was abused physically, sexually and verbally by my JW husband. His mother and father also were mentally abusive to me.

  • serendipity

    My parents weren't abusive to each other, but they were abusive (physically, emotionally) to us kids, before they became JWs and afterwards as well.

  • stillajwexelder

    too many sadly

  • AudeSapere


    I grew up in an abusive family. Physical, emotional, and spiritual. The abuse was severe enough that police were involved, children were removed from the home a couple of times, and my parents' marriage eventually ended with violence.

    My dad served as a much-loved elder for many years. He was Presiding Overseer in the mid-70's.


  • Mary

    Alot. Some were being physically abused, but most often it was mental and emotional abuse. One couple used to beat the holy hell out of their son until one of the sisters told the elders that she was going to report it to Children's Aid. They didn't like that and told her not to as it would "bring reproach upon the congregation."

  • JWdaughter

    My best friends mom was abused by her non-JW husband and put up with it because??? I have no idea.

    A friend in the congregation (now OUT) was abused by her husband (who I also grew up with in the cong.) One of my ladies who had a book study with me was abused at least mentally and I think physically by her first husband(they divorced, both still 'in the truth', the last I knew). There were a lot of really nice and I think truly loving couples, but I was a kid and probably missed all kinds of things that were going on. I think abuse happens everywhere, but the problem with the WT org is they are more worried about how THEY look, than how the abused ones look! Its all about the organization. That is sad. They should be protecting the women, not encouraging them to stay and be hurt.

  • blondie

    Since the WTS is an abusive organization..........

    Remember abuse is not just physical abuse. I can remember the cruel hard words that came out of JWs talking to their spouse, their children, about people at the door, their non-JW family. I can remember the emotional abuse, the manipulation.

    The elders even manipulate and abuse each other to make sure they stay in line. The CO and DOs...........


  • becca1

    I know of several. One in particular was a very dear friend. She is now disfellowshipped. He is still a witness in good standing.

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