My oldest sister and her kids 'used to' get beaten up by her husband. My parents intervened, he had to stand down as an elder for a while.
Did you know anyone in the "truth" that was in an abusive relationship?
by The wanderer 12 Replies latest jw friends
I was abused physically, mentally, sexually by my MS stepfather, he also physically abused my brothers and sisters and mentally abused my mom, it was all kept quiet, you know so as not to tarnish Jehoovers name, another family member was abused and severely neglected when she was a tiny baby, it got so bad that another JW family member had to at the request of the totally incompetent JW mother take the baby into their home for a while, but the child's mother remained with this bastard on the advice from the elders and he later went on to become an elder. Even when this child grew up he still physically abused her at times punching her and throwing her against a wall while even though this abuse was going on. The abused girl is today really messed up mentally and till this day her mom has remained faithfully by that bastards side, truly amazing. Sooooooo............this religion is basically worse than the other's because they brainwash women to believe that leaving their abusive husbands would cause Jehoover to dissaprove of them. I hope I live to see the day this DAMN PUBLISHING COMPANY is disbanded, we will hold a giant celebration and raise our voices to announce "SHE HAS FALLEN, WTS THE GREAT HAS FALLEN"!!!!!!
hey dreaming is free!!!
Many, many!
I think most people used emotional or mental cruelty and verbal abuse towards eachother to cause as much pain as possible.
JWs are incredibly manipulative and clever at this. They know that their abuse victims are even less likely to complain as they are taught not to bring 'shame' on the organization by complaining.