The society is desperate to keep the annual statistics up, so the big changes are that field service time can be started from when you first leave your home to drive to the FS group, until when you get home. That will get about another 1 hour each publisher, so will tremendously boost the annual hourly FS stats. Along with that, it will only be necessary to actually attend a minimum of two meetings for FS month to count time for that month and put a FS report in, even if you don't actually go out on FS but go straight home after the meeting for FS. Because it's the right intention and thought that counts rather than the actual doing. That way no one will have any reason ever again to become inactive. Also, to boost annual publisher stats, everyone who has been inactive for up to five years and has not dissasociated themselves will still be counted as a publisher, because these ones need to be shown long-suffering as they may still return to the org.