What Do You Think About The "Faithful&Discreet Slave Class"?

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    There are so many new posters here now, I think this topic should be revisited. I believe the most ridiculous belief that Witnesses have is a "slave class" made up of 144,000 give spiritual "food at the proper time". Why can't JWs see thru this???

  • stillajwexelder

    It jumped in bed with the Harlot and committed fornication - The UN issue - so it is neither faithful nor discreet

  • Zico

    Because they're blind... like I used to be blind. This was my opinion when I first found this board and I was a semi-apologist: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/112336/1.ashx Now though... I know it's just silly. What JW's don't realise, and they would go mad if you pointed it out to them, is that being anointed, is just the same as being a born again.

  • true
    There are so many new posters here now, I think this topic should be revisited. I believe the most ridiculous belief that Witnesses have is a "slave class" made up of 144,000 give spiritual "food at the proper time". Why can't JWs see thru this???

    Ok, so who is it then? What is your explanation?

  • minimus

    No who---the fds isn't Russell either. It's just as JC called it---an illustration.

  • Tuesday

    If you're joining an orginization you might as well shoot for the top of it right? Go FDS!!!

  • true
    No who---the fds isn't Russell either. It's just as JC called it---an illustration.

    What scripture says it is an illustration? Or even a parable for that matter?

  • parakeet

    true: "Ok, so who is it then? What is your explanation?"

    Make something up. It has as much likelihood of being correct as the WT's explanation. BTW, welcome to the forum. I'm looking forward to your contributions here.

  • Finally-Free
    What Do You Think About The "Faithful&Discreet Slave Class"?

    I think it's a very stupid term. They're not "faithful or discreet", they don't behave like a "slave" should, and they have no "class".


  • BabaYaga

    The question my husband always asks and I never know how to answer him is... "So what is the official count? Is anybody keeping record of how many are left?"

    I know that stats of partakers and a WHOLE LOTTA' NON PARTAKERS was reported back to headquarters for every memorial... but... is there any GUESS as to how many 144,000 are "already ruling", as it were? As some of the "annointed ones" have no doubt fallen by the wayside as have Governing Body members... who can keep track? Anyone?

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