Great news!! I've just passed on the story to a few newspapers and TV stations in Australia, so hopefully it might get a little attention over here. It would be great if others could do the same in their local area/country.
WATCHTOWER loses in court!
by Nathan Natas 126 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Guys, it is not a slam dunk, they do NOT have to provide documents that relate to the child abuse teleforms or the survey information provided because it is deemed privileged! That stuff is important as it relates to the specific information obtained during the abuse investigation and I believe it is the information in the "database", but I could be wrong about it being in the database. It is not a blanket granted order, but rather is granted in part and denied in part. You should read the Order to understand what the court has granted (and it has granted a lot, but not EVERYTHING).
Great news!
I have a feeling that the brothers will have no moral issue with destroying files though
Is there any way to down load the statement added by Silent Lambs??
It has copies of the wbts pamplets AND something I would love to put together and leave them around town.
In a restaurant today, I mentioned "loud enough" for several to hear, a pamplet was left on my porch saying that. "All false religion will be destroyed VERY soon, except of course -- JWs ."
It made a few laugh and the jw who shuns me got up and went to a table as far away from me as he could.
THIS IS GREAT!!!!! I hope that finally their dirty laundry can be aired out in public for all to see!
Lady Lee
Is there any way to down load the statement added by Silent Lambs??
Click here to read ruling here in PDF
The article should open as a pdf file (you need Acrobat Reader to open it) Then click on the SAVE icon and save the file
To add the silentlambs info copy and paste it into a document file and add it.
You can also use a program called Primo PDF to add the extra info to a pdf file
Install the program and it appears as another printer. When you go to save your Word file (with the added info) you click on Print and then change the printer from your actual printer to the Primo printer. The Word document will be saved as a pdf file
now this is good news - wonderful
Is this the big announcement we've been waiting for in October?
Kudo to Love-Norris for attacking the clergy-penitent privilege that the JW's so often hide behind.
A true penitent relationship involves two people and only two people, in other words it is a privileged conversation. As pointed out, in JW land the confession involves two clergy members to satisfy the two witness rule who then make a report which is discussed amongst the full BOE. If the BOE needs further info, then they call Bethel and discuss the "private" info with the Bros there. The local Bros act as they need to and if a JC is formed they report the results to both the local cong Sec who keeps the records and also file a copy with Bethel where everyone from the person on letter opening duty to the file clerk gets a shot at reading your most personal thoughts.
Of course the REALLY bad boys like child molestors are treated with true confidence to avoid stumbling anyone. The rest is just juicy gossip for the window washers to get cranked up for their wives over.
Still think it's secret?
Still think highly of the Dubz?
Awesome news! This is way better than some crumby old tract!
This ruling from the court states simply that the church cannot use “clergy penitent privilege” as a way to protect pedophiles from law enforcement. The ruling further states information stated in judicial hearings of Jehovah’s Witnesses as well as documents generated by those hearings are not “privileged” and will have to be released to the courts as any information that is relevant to the case. In addition, the Legal Department will have to produce all documents related to their abuse policy and how they investigate child abuse allegations. Most importantly the ruling states; “records kept by or under the direction of the Legal Department concerning allegations of abuse,” that directly involves the pedophile database reported by silentlambs in April of 2002. This represents the first official ruling of the court that opens the database for public scrutiny.
Wow that ought to really get 'em by the nards!