Am I Being Silly?

by love2Bworldly 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    I have always LOVED accents, whether they're British, Irish, Scottish, Australian, whatever. I think they're so cute. I have always wanted to date someone with an accent (of course they have to have a lot more than the accent going on).

    Now that I am to be divorced soon, I keep thinking next time I date (won't be for a while--I am just daydreaming about what I want) I want to meet someone with an accent.

    Since I don't have a lot of money to travel to other countries, am I just being silly?

  • Duncan

    Gor Blimey, Marm! (apples-and-pears, johnnie-horner)

    COURSE you gotta go for an accent! (skin-and-blister, currant-bun)

    Unfortunately, like, I don't have any accent meself, speaking the proper Queen's English, an' all (chim-chiminy, barnet-fair)

    But I'm sure you'll come acrorss someone, and no mistake, guv'nor! (frog-and-toad, loaf-a-bread)

    Duncan [actually, not even quite inside Greater London]

  • katiekitten

    I love accents too. Course im lucky to live in a country where theres a different accent every 5 miles.

    When I got divorced I had a young daughter, and I felt that if I REALLY cared properly about her I would have an affair with men from most if not every european country so that she could learn lots of different languages while she was young!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    But there are lots of different accents in the States too aren't there?

    So you don't neccesarily have to travel abroad if there are other accents there which you like too.

    And no it's not silly as long as (you confirmed this anyway) it's not the only factor! Just another element of attraction for you.

  • greendawn

    Some creative imagination is always good for escaping from everyday reality and letting some steam out. Good for reducing stress.

  • Legolas

    I love accents too!

    Good luck on your hunt!

  • LovesDubs

    Come to Florida....we have Brooklyn, New Jersey, Haitian, Bahamian, Cuban, Mexian, Puerto Rican, red neck....

  • hambeak

    Not at all come to Texas honey you can hear it all here in Big D Texan, also from Georgia, England, Germany, Australia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, New Zealand Ireland so many to name I can't think of them all a true melting pot. PS I really dig the NY accent

  • parakeet

    As long as an accent isn't the most important quality you're looking for in a date, then why not? Personally, I find good character is worth more than a dozen accents, no matter how "cute."

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Love2b, you can find boucoups of accents in any major metropolitan city in the U.S. if traveling abroad is not a viable plan.

    I don't think there's anyone alive who's ever heard a different accent than their own who *doesn't* love accents.

    Here's a little anecdote about my experience in California with "accents" when I first moved to San Diego County. I was shopping in an arts & crafts store one day and when I approached the clerk to question her as to whether the store had a particular type of product in stock, two ladies were standing nearby listening and they were just enthralled. Just as soon as the clerk answered my question, the ladies just oooo'd and ahhhh'd and gushed about how much they loved my accent. (SE Texan) I just turned around and told 'em, "I don't have an accent, ma'am. Yall're the ones with an accent."

    Also, I had a terrible time understanding what people were saying when I first arrived out there in Cali. When I went to the grocery store, I would be asked at the checkout stand whether I wanted "paprorplstic." I just know that bag boy wanted to pinch my head off, throw it in my lap and tell God I'd died of natural causes after I had to ask him to repeat himself about a dozen times, but I couldn't understand him. Finally, I just told him to slow it down because I wasn't accustomed to listening his high-speed linguistics. (sigh)


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