Am I Being Silly?

by love2Bworldly 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    You can let George Dubya Bush tell you all about nucyular weapons.

  • MsMcDucket
    As long as an accent isn't the most important quality you're looking for in a date, then why not? Personally, I find good character is worth more than a dozen accents, no matter how "cute."

    Parakeet, I agree. You must have character as well as compatability. Talk is cheap.

  • JWdaughter

    Wouldn't it be easier to find a good man with ANY kind of accent and then travel? To Ireland and Portugal. I love their accents:)

  • Butters

    What was that comedy show where the guy with the british accent calls the hardware store looking for tubes of black "CAULK"?

  • lonelysheep

    Come to New Jersey!!! We have everyone!

    Even just being around other accents is nice. Of course it's only an accent because we're here in the states.

    I know what you mean, though. For some reason, Australian has always been an ear-catcher for me.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I don't think it's silly. I think accents are so sexy.

  • smellsgood

    Couldn't agree with you more! I heart english accents. English and Scottish probably my favorite , followed by maybe Spanish--Castilian.

    Well, perhaps if you can't travel overseas easily one will just happen to travel YOUR way. I mean, you live in California, that's a pretty big destination I think. Not like where I live...

    I don't think it's silly at all and uhm *nudge nudge*....looky here I think I spot some posters waving a the Union Jack on this very forum....perhaps...

    perhaps you don't even have to travel (at first) to meet someone :)

  • Jim_TX

    Not silly at all. I love to hear accents in talking.

    I have heard 'Texan' - which a cute lil' gal was speaking - Austin area.

    I have heard Australian... which is not only accent, but a unique language.

    I have heard English... several...

    I have heard Canadian.

    I have a weakness though... when around anyone with an accent for any length of time... I tend to pick up their accent (or a poor rendition of it), and start speaking with a similar accent.

    Me? I'm from Texas... but do not have an accent. Go figure. But - I can do impersonations... *wide grin* wanna hear John Wayne? "Well... get the wagons in a circle!"


    Jim TX

  • purplesofa

    I dated a man from London. At first I had a bit of trouble understanding him. Words like sweetheart and brilliant

    It was so smooth and sexy.

    So now I am back to listening to the southern men from my area. hey DARLIN!!! HEY HUNNNN......

    I miss more than that British accent!!!


  • tijkmo

    y not pm some british posters and then arrange to phone/im them

    for some reason people seem to love my accent..which is mixture of english/welsh/scottish

    littletoe has a smooth understandable scottish accent

    and there are plenty more

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