Freegirl............I'm so sorry you had such a horrible, traumatic life experience. As you will find, there are many of us here who have somewhat similar stories, and we will not judge you. EVER! You are amongst friends here.It might take you awhile to get over the fears, that the WT has imbedded into your brain such as,the great fear of dying at Armaggeddon. It took me a few years, and now, after being out for over 8 years, I'm no longer afraid. I no longer have that guilt, either....they use that too.
Losing your family members is a hard thing to work through, but eventually it becomes easier, and sometimes, some family members do come around. Hold your head up, and know that we have your back, here.
The witnesses use FEAR to control the congregations. FEAR of dying at armaggeddon, FEAR of losing all your family, FEAR of losing your friends....on and on...Eventually, that fear does go away when you realize that the "truth" is NOT, the truth..Hugs to you...your healing begins here.