Would You/Do You Remain As A JW "Technically"???

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • serendipity

    I'm still technically a JW, though I'm officially inactive. I want to maintain this status to avoid being shunned and to minimize the chance that the family would shun my unbaptized daughter as well, due to my bad example.

  • Butters

    You can check out any time you like... But you can never leave...LOL!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I avoided disfellowshipping for about three years after learning the 'truth about the truth'. That was done primarily to ease the relationship with a dear cousin - about my only family still alive and in the org. The burden of that became too much - and obviously I was not tight lipped enough [that is just not my style as some might have guessed].

    This past week - cornered by a JC, I submitted a DA letter. I feel great freedom as a result of that. I know that some have to do what they have to do - I doubt I could have carried it off for many years - but I feel for those who must. What a horrible religion that makes people play these games just to remain in the family.


  • return visitor
    return visitor

    I am still a dub, not even inactive, just irregular. I can see a time when i am DF or DA'ed if I can get the rest of my family out.


  • purplesofa

    I am inactive too..........dont go to the meetings ........either

  • Honesty

    "Tecnically" I am an apostate.

    In reality I left an apostate religious cult.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Regardless of what the WTB&TS says and even if they "cast you out"; Nobody can take GOD away from you. ONLY you can deny GOD. That is freedom of choice.

  • gumby

    I've been an evil apostate bastard for 11 years but am getting re-instated so I can have a family life with my grandchildren and daughter. I have absolutely no plans of any ministry work, theocratic school.......rather I will sit a couple of hours a week and listen to something I abhor in many ways....but it's a price I'm willing to pay since this is the only way to have a life with my loved ones before I go to my grave. It's sad a religion can make one stoop to this level to have their family.


  • Purza

    Technically I am inactive. Many years ago I was Df'd and I do not choose that route this time. I moved away and therefore am living under the radar. I stay inactive so that I can keep some of my old friends.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Yes, as far as I know. But the catch is, the only JW's that matter to me consider me as apostate and dead.

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