Recently I got a e-mail on my myspace account from someone I went to High School with. Of all 400 people in my graduating class, I keep in touch with one and it is maybe a e-mail or Christmas card once a year. I was a very shy person in High School, graduated in 1989, a mix between a person wanting to be a Witness and someone wanting to have some worldly fun. I did not get to do sports, or anything that would have allowed me to be known. So when this person e-mailed me and asked how I was doing. I found myself in a odd state of mind. As I do not relate to that person who attended High School anymore. I am more confident, I am outspoken, educated and active. I almost started to write a whole history to this person, explaining how I was so different now, and not that person they remembered. I wrote the whole thing, looked at it and wondered "why?" ... "Does it matter?" and realize it did not and wrote back about my family, some friends I wondered about and we had a great transfer of e-mails for a couple days. Isn't it weird though, as much as we grow and become so much more. Sometimes a anchor to the past can find that little person we grew out of and allow us to see at times, that our history is our history, and it is us at some point in our growth. Like it or not! Anyway, I did not really like High School and not all of it was related to the Witnesses. How did you feel about your High School years?
Did you like your High School years?
by free2beme 11 Replies latest jw friends
I hated high school, not because I was a JW (No one ever found out I was a dub, and I didn't care to tell them), but because it was boring. I'd listen to my death metal CDs and get people to leave me alone. I don't hate being around people, but I saw through the bs that high school was, so I didn't care to know people that were acting like something they weren't just to fit in with some clique. I graduated three years ago, and at graduation, I felt like "Finally, it's over," rather than, "I'm gonna miss (whoever); these were the best years of my life."
Reefton Jack
I definitely DID NOT like High School - even though I did well there. Little of this dislike had anything to do with religious issues. I think that it was more from the frustrations of being penned up: - when most young men at least need an outlet for their (almost boundless - and usually destructive!) physical energy. School holidays were great! For myself and all the other boys I was at school with, it meant gut-busting work on the family farm; yet we never viewed that as work. I can recall being assured that " your school days are the best days of your life" - and thinking at the time that whoever said that must have something wrong with them! Now, I can understand how those feelings can develop i.e. far enough away in the past that you tend to forget about the bad, and only remember the positive things. However, I dont include myself in the category of those who view their High School days as the best time of their life! Jack.
I had a great time in HS, I played basketball on the team, was in the band for a while, went to the prom with a worldly girl, stared in the senior play, had a good friend that I hung out with and still was a servant in the congregation. That was in the early 50s.
Ken P.
Anyway, I did not really like High School and not all of it was related to the Witnesses. How did you feel about your High School years?
I graduated in 71 so much of it is a faded blur now. Over all I have to agree with you I did not really like my high school years and not all of it was related to the jw's.I think I say that because I dont want to fall into the trap of excessively blaming someone or something for all my problems. It was an awkward time trying to find myself. Maybe if I wasnt a JW i would have enjoyed them more, I'll never know. I'm 53 years old and you got me thinking there was never an overall good time in my life. But despite all the bad times and all the struggles, I have assorted pleasant memories through out my life. The last year of high school viet Nam was going on. I was faced with going to the army and maybe getting killed or maimed, or going to jail. Plus 71 was 4 years from the big 75. Not a very happy go lucky time in my life. I played a lot of sports in high school some for school but mostly in the neighborhood. Playing softball, and football and hockey were pleasant memories. I had a girl friend for a while. That was fun, then she broke up with me because her family convinced her we were too young. That was pretty sad. When I was in high school Martin luther king was killed. Robert kennedy was killed. There were riots and civil unrest in amerika. When I was in high school the music was the best of all time. We had the beatles, Hendrix. the doors. The who. Steppenwolf, The stones, Santana, Traffic, Jefferson Airplane, Csny, Chicago, Free, the kinks, Spirit.Thats when all the clasic rock was being made. Music was a good memory.
High school was my island of peace. Teachers liked and admired me. I was popular with the students despite my JW status. I never "witnessed" to anyone but would answer questions if approached privately. I was not accepted at the KH because my father was not a JW, I was contaminated you know, bad association. All young JWs with non-JW fathers were treated the same way. Not surprisingly, the JWs with the worst reputations at school were the so-called holy ones with both parents JWs.
I still meet people from HS who have fond memories of our times then.
High School... hmmm... let me see... that was last century, wasn't it?
I did my time - so to speak... made good grades (required by parent at home) - wasn't allowed to participate in sports, band, National Junior Honor Society (for kids with good grades), etc. All in all - it was okay, I suppose... I just kept to myself - didn't bother anyone - and most left me alone. I read a lot - whatever the school library had to read.
In a sense too... it was hell. I kinda wanted to do things - but knew that I'd catch hell at home, if I did.
It's funny though... there are still some folks - even after 30+ years that are still 'trapped' in 'high school mode'. They still go on with stories about how they kicked so-and-so's ass - or how popular one person was... talking about it like it was last week.
Those people need to get a life. High School was over - long ago.
Jim TX -
I became a JW after my stint in the Marine Corp, right after High School. But I didn't go to my prom, or get a high school yearbook.
What I have noticed with High School, is that the ones who liked it best, were the ones who did activities and sports. Since I was not allowed too, by my mother, I would have to think that contributed some to my dislike of High School.
I did not like H.S. I was younger than most of the kids and was very immature. I just didn't "get it." I wasn't a witness. I was never good at sports, and thought the cheerleeding was goofy.
Looking back, I didn't "belong" and that could have had some influence on my listening to JWs later. Everyone wants to feel part of something, especially being priveledged to "never die."
I am with the poster that said some people never escape high school mode. They still think of themselves as champion football players or some such. I try not to think about my shy high school days.I don't keep up with anyone from school. I wish them well, but.....