Active JWs, hows KN37 going?

by StillGroggy 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewYork44M

    Surely Anitar knows what she speaks of when talking about what jws really go door to door disagree with any of it? Do you agree that the field work is about recruitment, overall...the ultimate goal?

    The recruiting value of door to door ministry is long since over. If they really wanted to focus on where the limited growth is coming from they will tell everyone to stay home, have sex, and make lots of babies.

    However, the is a value to the ministry. It has compliance value. In a controlling environment, such as the wt society, one always needs a way to monitor the flock. The act of "turning in your time" is very coercive in nature. Elders are immediately able to judge you level of compliance to the cult simply by looking at your time card.

  • sf

    Doubting Bro,

    I certainly appreciate your willingness to at least try to see where my mind is at with all of this. It speaks volumes to me or I would not bother replying.

    Your comments here are what gravely concerns me. My stong opinion is that this type of attitude must cease. Hear me out please. You say, {your honesty here is duly noted}:

    When I go out (only to keep the peace at the present) I make sure that much time is wasted . My presentations are very dry and uninteresting. When folks do take the mags, I rarely follow up. The ones I follow-up with I usually just chit chat with and make no effort to recruit.

    Firstly, I went door to door a number of years as a jw child { NOTE: I never was a jw as an adult...I was disfellowshipped [ you should not even be conversing with me, let alone on this forum..that's just a WTFactoid ] }. I know what the pitch and the ultimate goal was, then. I also, now as an adult, have them at my door. I ask them point-blank, what the real reason is, the motivation that drives them to do what they do. You know as well as I do that if I show the slightest "bad heart condition {spiritually}" that I AM A WASTE OF YOUR PREACHING TIME, and you go to the next door. You/ I was trained, through TMS {Theocratic Ministry School} that those types of householders are a waste of time. Unless you can turn their hearts around.

    All of this is geared towards recruitment. There is no other solid reason why it is core to the WTBTS organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. YOU SIMPLY ARE SALESPEOPLE FOR A HUGE BOOK PUBLISHING CORP.

    So I say to you sir, is it a waste of time NOW to go back to those doors, incognito if you have to, with the same literature and counter what it says? Instead of just not going out in f.s. ...GO AND PROCLAIM THE TRUTH. Maximize your time now. Make that effort. Go back, chit chat about what you now know is lies, hate and destruction and tell them the truth and how they can be better informed about what really goes on at those meetings and why the WTBTS really hates the world so much and professess they are no part of it. SHOW THEM THE FACTS.

    Surely you will agree that when it comes to childrens safety and well being are never a waste of time.

    Of course you take a huge risk in doing this. But tell me, when does it stop being about YOU?

    When do they children come first? Their justice? Their freedom? Their sanity? Their very existance?

    The "oil" you keep supplying the WTBTS to keep running it's press Death Machines comes from only one place, one's FOLLOWERS. Not it's leaders. If we can stop the production of the actual "oil" it takes to feed the Machines, it will grind the gears, so to speak.

    So sure, wait if you must for YOURSELVES. Think you have the right to avoid the suffering you will surely endure. Go to the meetings acting as if and to keep the peace for YOURSELVES. But DON'T come to my door, with "this is a waste of time anyway, they are all gonna die...." telling me you are here because you care about this world or anyone in it with literature and pitches clearly used to recruit and scare me into this fraudulent religion.

    Hypocrisy and two-faced people are two of the most aggravating and infuriating for me.

    When you break down the doctrines that make the policies that kill the children, then you have an obligation to expose that to others that may potentially enter and get sucked in.

    I know it's caustic. For me, it's the only way it can be said, from my mouth. It would be so unlike me to sugarcoat anything about this organization. This organization is pure poison. How much more poison are you going to allow to be pumped into your children and that of others before you warn them not to swallow?

    Trust me, I could write so much more about the blatant and frustrating hypocrisy and sugarcoating, but I think you now get a better idea of how passionate I am about this issue. Silence is not an option.

    If this is really getting to some, I'm glad. It needs to affect you. You need to understand what you are actually doing when you stand at peoples doors that you bash/ speak about at meetings, and put on your fake masks of concern. It's fraud. You shouldn't be able to get away with it.

    So next time you are at the door, instead of wasting your time with dogma and death, show them how lethal the literature truly is. Show them the tract. Tell them the truth about what is written in it. Tell them about the court ruling, that the Catholic church has a friend in crime them the convicted bethelites photo. Walk off the porch with your dignity and pride, knowing you may have just saved an entire family from living what so many lived and live as members of this religion.

    Happy trails Bro. I mean that.

    Now I'm off to make a few phone calls regarding this knocking. org issue. Anderson Cooper's honesty mantra will be put to the test. Wonder if he can get JARACZ on the show to extole the virtues of such a loving and honest religion book publishing, real estate buying, lawyered-up for Napa Valley child sexual abuse cases; using charitable donations of the unsuspecting flock. Along with perhaps Randy Watters, Alan F., Norm H., Tom Talley, Farkel {oh yea, I'd pay to see JARACZ AND FARKEL face to face} and so many others. Maybe Firpo Carr and Stafford too!!! And OUTLAW!!! {sorry, I'm getting carried away here, but oh the visuals}


  • BizzyBee

    StillGroggy: Do what you have to do for your family. We've all been there to some degree or another.

    sKally: I have long admired your 'witnessing' work and I agree in principle with your observations, but not, perhaps, to the degree of alarm you obviously feel.

    Yes, the WTS is a dangerous and evil empire. However, as has been demonstrated, the door-to-door work with WTS literature is so ineffective (boring, poorly written and produced literature, sullen, ill-informed, unknowledgeable and indifferent salesmen, and a tired, tedious message, etc.), I don't think it is the equivalent danger of a bomb being placed in the school lunchroom that you seem to infer.

    I do not believe that converts are won by balky, glazed-eyed witnoids who are just going through the motions or even by the literature itself, contrary to BS testimonials found in the pages of the WT and Awake. ("Just as she was about to give up any hope of finding the real truth, she spotted a mere scrap of page torn from an Awake, lodged behind a dryer at the laundromat, and, reading it over and over, came to a full knowledge of the truth as taught by the FDS and as soon as she could contact the witnesses, was baptized on the spot.") In my experience it is usually, 1st family that is guilty, responsible for converts and 2nd, charisimatic, enthusiastic, agressive witnoid personalities that bring 'em in.

    With all due respect.

  • headmath


    If they really wanted to focus on where the limited growth is coming from they will tell everyone to stay home, have sex, and make lots of babies

    End quote

    The WTS pushes that very directive, not so directly but through propaganda like:

    You must only marry a JW mate

    You must not master,bate and only have a climax with a JW

  • Brother Beyond
    Brother Beyond

    For those of us who have little or no contact with former witness friends could anyone scan a copy of this KN37 tract so we can see what it is all about? Though I expect its the same old crap thats been peddled for as long as I can remember.

  • jgnat

    How about a handy anti-witness, like a bookmark inserted in the magazine with "Help, I'm trapped in a cult and I can't get out" wiht a handy link to : or or or

  • jgnat

    There's more than one way to skin a cat. I am convinced the organization is much more worried about Witnesses who are just going through the motions, exited in their hearts. From the society's perspective, DA'd and DF'd members are controllable. Shunned, excluded, they can be dismissed.

    But the fader and the agnostic Witness? That's internal rot and there's almost NOTHING the organization can do to flush them out. If they get heavy, all they do is torment the zealous ones.

    I have a problem with zealots who preach only one solution to problems like this. They remind me of anti-abortion bombers. They do more damage than good to the cause.

  • Anitar

    I've been trying to say since my first post that going door to door is on principal a selfish endevor. Not to say that the people are selfish, that was confused by someone earler.

    Consider this. How many industries actually sell their products door to door anymore? Sure there might be small businesses in a big city where it's quite crowded. But put simply, the watchtower is the only corporation of its size in the world that sells its products in such an antiquated and ineffective manner. If the mesage was so important, why use such a crude method? Because it does not allow for public debate, or scholarly analysis. If you doubted the nutritional value of a Big Mac, would you not go and find a list of the ingredients from the manager if necessary? Why should it be any different with religion?

    Lets put aside religion and even child abuse for a minute. I'm an average citizen, college student, mostly broke. Most of the commercials that are supposed to appeal to my demographic actually serve to turn me off. I am not going to buy diet pills from the home shopping network, I am not going to subscribe to a VISA platinum master card just because it comes in the mail, and most of all, I will never subscribe to a dime a dozen group of psudo-religious duds just because they come to my door.

    My friends are mostly non religious. They're average students, none of us are very business savy or spiritually orientated. Even they know never to take people like the witnesses seriously, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see it's all fake! The most that people do is have a few studies out of politeness, then avoid them until they get the hint. For God's sake, I knew this stuff was phony when I was six years old!

    My point is not to insult the the faithfull witnesses. Believe it or not, I actually care about them, and I want them to think for themselves. Think about this: Jesus sacrificed himself as the ultimate display of humility and love for mankind. When you consider the real reasons you go door to door, do they sound very Christian to you?


  • sf
    But put simply, the watchtower is the only corporation of its size in the world that sells its products in such an antiquated and ineffective manner. If the mesage was so important, why use such a crude method?Because it does not allow for public debate, or scholarly analysis.

    Same can be said as to why it's OFFICIAL SITE ON THE INTERNET has no discussion forum, chatroom, or interactive email/ feedback system set up FOR THE PUBLIC. Or anyone else for that matter.

    Just imagine if it had.


  • sf

    Wait....***BRIGHT IDEA HERE***

    Why don't you ASK your leaders to ADD those very features to their site?? Put in your requests for a discussion forum and chat area, along with feedback. A place where everyone can openly ask questions and debate doctrine, issues....OOPS!!! My bad!!!

    That would put too many too close to opposers and the dreaded apostates. You might be tempted to associate.

    What was I thinking?

    Carry on....


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