I am puzzled, I see a lot of new posts from supposedly active JW's passing out new tract and don't believe it. I can understand still attending meetings especially if family is still involved. Why not just fade away?
Question: If you don't believe the wts as truth why still in FS?
by hambeak 30 Replies latest jw experiences
In order to fade, they have to keep up the facade slowly but surely doing less and less. You can't just drop the ball and be left alone... unless you move.
lol, i "dropped the ball" and havent been bothered in about a month and a half. I know that the time will come when i will be confronted and have to "explain" myself.
I'm deciding if i should use depression or school work though. lol.
But yeah, when i was active I never went on returns and i gave such a crappy, generic field service presentation that only someone who had problems with saying "no" would take the magazine.
My question too, hambeak. I still attend (for family reasons) but I can't bring myself to go knockin'. It's just too hypocritical.
Everyone's family situation is different, though. My wife can accept that, on conscience grounds, I can't go out in service anymore. Other people's spouses or parents may not be of such a sanguine disposition. -
read good books
There seems to be a huge variation on how they treat people that try to fade, they woudn't let be fade in the late seventies, they hounded me until I wrote a letter ds'ing myself, and then they may have disfellowshipped me anyways I was never told what they did about, me I have heard contradictory rumors.. How Nazi'esque is that.I think a fade is the best way but not if your CO is an SS.
Under believer I read your topic and I agree 100%. The analogy of gays coming out is in my case accurate. I led a double life for many years, for fear of losing family and friends. I finally admitted to myself and went through a lot of mental hell, having to divorce my wife and live my own life. Because of fear and misinformation I married thinking that would change me. Very bad for her, me, my kids and all whom I knew all my life. I only wish that young men and women in the org today that have issues (gay vs straight) they do not marry get away and start a new life.
As for active jw's I can understand and I think this board is great to help them. I know it helps me, because usually there is no one locally you can talk to.
I'm quite young and live at home with my JW parents, so it's really impossible to get out of FS completely, without admitting my thoughts.
I generally do proper work most Sat Mornings now in order to get out of it, but can't do this every week, or they'd expect me to go Sundays or Evenings... They're both very zealous. I've gotten brilliant at going out on FS without doing anything though. Street work is my favourite, you can walk around for an hour and talk to nobody (Suggest you split up from your partner every now and again, so they think you're speaking to people) or go on RVs on your own, but actually just drive around for an hour.
RVs are also an excellent way to get out of first call early. Say 'I agreed to meet someone at this time, so I'm gonna be off now.' And then you're done.
It involves a lot of lying, but I've been lied to since I was born, so I don't care. -
Some of them really can't get away, if they leave the ORG they lose their family. That is too big a thing for some to lose and i can respect that.
I would feel way too guilty if I actually brought someone else into the borg. I already helped
some people in the past. I refuse to go out in field service, going on about 4 months now, but
I was still reporting informal witnessing for the last 3 months (talking about the JW to someone
who's family is in, he doesn't want to be in). No more counting hours for me.October will be my first inactive month (turning in zero). This will cause a stir within the BOE.
Some people are not prepared to face that pressure from family or book study overseer or whoever.
I am sure that virtually everyone here is not effective in the ministry of the cult.I really planned a slow fade, but it's like a slow avalanche- once it starts, it picks up speed.
I might as well ride it out to becoming inactive in a short time, cutting back on meetings later.In short, I guess I agree with the original statement:
If you don't believe the wts as truth why still in FS? -
I don't understand how 'active non believing jw's' can go out in service and destroy families. It is truly beyond my comprehension. I would die before I purposely destroyed a strangers family because I felt my family was more important. I guess some take the script, laying down ones life for another more seriously. What can a non believing jw do? If they have the time to go in service they certainly have the time to go later and deliver anti jw literature or keep track of the address and send them later. I know I will be lambasted for this opinion. That's ok. I don't see how anyone can see all that damage, deaths, abuses, etc.... and still try to get more people into a dangerous cult. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
I can hit a miniumum of about 50 mailboxes in less than 30 minutes, so can the non believing jw's trying to hang onto their families. Telling a few people about the dangers and the human wreckage stories will spread to about 10 other people.
Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience.-James Freeman Clarke