The Time Bomb In Every Witness Congregation

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    The recent court defeat of the Watchtower emphasizes a point I have repeatedly dwelt on:

    The confidential judicial files in each congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses are a potential "bomb"!

    They often make for interesting reading, if you have access to them. I was surprized at the elder's wife who let her son have a blood

    transfusion. I was surprized at the elder who was nearly hauled off by the police for beating his stepson. I was surprized at the hyperloyal

    sister who had a brief affair because of her unsatisfying marriage.

    If you live "south of the border", you might be curious about the brother who got df'd for being part of a machete murder - or the other

    brother who got df'd for bestiality.

    I'm not making these things up. They happened in various congregations, as dutifully reported to judicial committees.

    So, now the Watchtower Society has lost the pretense of being "CLERGY" (!!) , have they? Now, they may be compelled

    to turn over judicial records regarding any matter of legal controversy, thanks to courts in California.

    Ask yourself: what could happen if these confidential records fell into the wrong hands?

    Could there be lawsuits? over defamation? over child abuse? theft? illegal immigrant status?

    How easy is it to get to these records? Since the Society wants them stored in the Kingdom Hall and not a private home,

    often a good screwdriver could give to access to the whole of it. On the other hand, you might be a Presiding Overseer's

    daughter, who sneaks into daddy's big briefcase, now and then, just to find out what's really going on in the congregation!

    If you are an elder reading this, I strongly encourage you to make complete copies of all of this sensitive material

    because you never know when it " might come in handy" - if you or a family member are being threatened with being

    df'd by hostile elders. As for me, I just want to see this whole "rabbinical court" system come to an end, the sooner the better.

    There is a potential time bomb in every Witness congregation. It only remains for some to discover its existence and imagine

    what uses it might have...........


  • Stephanus

    Heh, heh! Well, we ARE in the information age - some information is more powerful than others...

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    When I happened upon the "Box" years ago when a newly appointed elder, I found out what really was going on in the spiritual paradise. My first thought was, "Shit, we're just like Christendom. It's all here, everything we condemn is all here. This one is screwing that one and that one is screwing this one's dog and that kid is touching that kid and that one stole that thing and on and on and on. Yet, they dress nice, hand out literature and condemn everyone else for being fleshly minded and not submitting to Jehovah.

    The duplicity was staggering. Elder's have a golden ticket when it comes to judicial matters. Thier kids are off the hook and they often are uncaccountable.

    Ghastly and depressing.

    To this day its hard to look some of those people in the eye when I run into them on the street. (Thankfully it's not often.)


  • insearchoftruth

    I am not fully in tune on how things work, but it sure seems to me that everything is done possible to keep situations hushed so the organization does not get a black eye. When I read things here, it does not really surprise me that the members of the watchtower are no different than those they belittle, in fact may be worse since things are protected and the way it sounds, swept under the rug if you happen to be one of the right people.

  • Stephanus

    What would happen to a BOE who got sick of it all and just decided to let things slide and not form JCs in order to DF people?

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    When I happened upon the "Box" years ago when a newly appointed elder, I found out what really was going on in the spiritual paradise. My first thought was, "Shit, we're just like Christendom. It's all here, everything we condemn is all here. This one is screwing that one and that one is screwing this one's dog and that kid is touching that kid and that one stole that thing and on and on and on. Yet, they dress nice, hand out literature and condemn everyone else for being fleshly minded and not submitting to Jehovah.

    Dear Wasanelder,

    Thank you for your post. It just goes to show that when honest Elders (or those who did serve) will speak up, we get an inside picture of what is really going on in the congregations.


    Lady Liberty

  • under_believer

    True story: Yesterday at the meeting, I took my kid back into the Kingdom Hall office for a little break (he's a toddler and really isn't capable of sitting for long periods of time.) While we were back there, he waddled over to the printer and pushed the power button on it. It turned on.

    A few minute later, when I was getting ready to exit, I noticed the printer was on and decided to turn it off--only there was just the one button. So I was like, well, maybe you hold it down, to turn it off? No. Apparently what happens if you hold down the power button is that it prints a copy of whatever the last document to be printed was. It wasn't anything damaging--it was a talk outline on the "Pioneers Assist Others" program--but it COULD have been.

    I have a feeling I'll be pushing that power button more often when I'm alone with my kid in the Kingdom Hall office.

  • moshe

    I remember reading some of that stuff in the "box", too. When I left the org. one of the things I did was call a few of those who were df'd and tell them who had ratted them out, a brother-in-law, sister jealous, etc. Some do seem to be shown extra consideration and just get off with a private reproof. Those who aren't popular or related to the Elders get the full Df'd deal.

  • freetosee

    I agree with you. Yet when I heard about this court decision I thought it would not have taken the wt legal department by surprise. If the wts can operate and expand under ban, the society will find a way to deal with this. Though, it makes things more difficult. The elders will do anything the wts asks of them, like destroying records of paedophiles when appointed as elders. I remember my father telling me after his first elder schooling, "When the gb tells me to jump, I jump and don’t ask questions. We are fighting Satan and the demons!"

    Well, I’m looking forward to any "exposing explosions".


  • willyloman
    What would happen to a BOE who got sick of it all and just decided to let things slide and not form JCs in order to DF people?

    Nothing. There are congos that have pretty much done that to some extent.

    I know of a KH that housed two congos. One held JCs constantly. You could drive past the Hall on most non-meeting nights and see three or four cars parked there. There was an announcement made from the platform almost monthly. During that same period, about five years, the other congo had one or two JC cases a year. I don't think they had fewer "problems" than the other group did. They just weren't that anxious to form a posse.

    Each body of elders has, like the congo it represents, a distinct personality. Some are hard line, some are more compassionate (or "soft," depending on your point of view).

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