The Time Bomb In Every Witness Congregation

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    Nothing. There are congos that have pretty much done that to some extent.

    I had a feeling that would be the case. I once posed a question here about if there are DFing quotas. Since there aren't it's amazing to see how many people do get DFed. I suppose some people just get that buzz from all the power...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I am sure that some congregations have 'juicier' files than others.

    It would be great if the more corrupt ones pissed off someone with access, who then put the information out to the proper places [like the internet].

    Of course loyal dubs would not care - hell if the GB was found entertaining the pope in a mass orgy on the GB conference table they would write it off as 'imperfection'.


  • Scully

    metatron writes:

    So, now the Watchtower Society has lost the pretense of being "CLERGY" (!!) , have they?

    Every time I heard of cases where the WTS or Congregation Elders™ claim "ecclesiastical privilege" I just wanted to vomit.

    How many times was it drilled into our brains, as JWs, that we were "better" than Christendom™ and her churches who maintained distinct classes of "clergy" and "laity"?? How many times did we get it shoved down our throats that the Bible instructed Jesus' true disciples to not have those distinctions 'because you are all brothers'?

    But YOU, do not YOU be called Rabbi, for one is YOUR teacher, whereas all YOU are brothers. ~ Matthew 23:8

    And yet, rather than stand up and accept the ramifications of those words, they claim to be the very thing they taught us to despise.

    And they have the audacity to wonder why people leave??

  • sosad

    the children of elders are almost always immune- in fact, i've never heard of one getting dfed

    the materially poor in the cong are always at a disadvantage at a jc

    there is always one scapegoat that will be dfed if a group of kids is in trouble (drinking/smoking/sex/parties) They know that dfing a group of kids will ultimatly cost the cong- esp if a school finds out/there are elders kids involved/the elders should have known or did know

    i would love to see the notes the kicko elders took at my jc at 15 -

    in a pinch, the materially poor elders kid will get the boot

  • stillajwexelder

    Presiding Overseer's son a smoker

  • Honesty
    I remember my father telling me after his first elder schooling, "When the gb tells me to jump, I jump and don’t ask questions. We are fighting Satan and the demons!"


    It's more like, "We are fighting alongside Satan and the demons."

  • truthsetsonefree

    On that Power button on the printer, WTS actually wrote to elders cautioning them about that feature on some copers. That is one reason they give for not wanting letters copied. But many secretaries do it anyway for routing purposes. So everyone take note. There may be goodies stored on KH copiers from time to time.

  • Frank75

    I have an original JC envelope with the account of a married couple who got a 16 year old drunk on 3 different occasions and she says she woke up to being fondled and/or penetrated by the couple! (3rd times a charm I thought)

    This is happening around the whole infamous Canadian Paul Bernardo and Karla Humulka rape/murder investigation and trial. So like a bunch of cowards the JC gave a stern warning to all 3 and swept the whole thing under the carpet.

    The Bernardostory

    The couple themselves were very transient so have long moved on. And it is my conviction that this wasn't the first time for such a rape, and won't be their last.

    Nothing was ever reported to the police.

    This is typical of the documents in the Congregations file of practically every congregation. Even in the congregations with the so-called soft handed JC's. The same crap is going on just less of it is reported.


  • minimus

    I wonder how such revelations could affect those of us who were elders and served on Jc meetings!

  • DannyHaszard

    Consider this i never sucked up (oops) i mean back-stabbed for an eldership but i was born 1957 3rd gen and yes i do know where some bodies are buried. No what could possibly happen if i was mistreated and got so pissed as to go off and make tens of thousands of pages and kiss & tell blogs and websites? Village of the Damned K-Hall

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