OK, fluffy time!
Mrs Ozzie and I are just back home and so there's plenty of laundry to do - that's my job, and I quite enjoy it, but there's one thing that spoils it for me and that's the clothes hangars!
You know how it goes, some hangars for pants, some for skirts, some for shirts, and then some are plastic, some are steel and some are those confounded wire hangars you get from the Dry Cleaners.
They're always getting tangled up; it doesn't matter how well I stack them (I've got a basket for them), when I get out in the yard to hang out the clothes, there's always one, it only takes one! that gets caught in the others.
The more I try to get it free, the more hangars seem to join in!
So, people, in the interest of good international relations and all that, how do you keep your clothes hangars?
(And do dubs do it differently? )