O,K I am home

by mouthy 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    After a wonderful reunion of loving friends & ex JWS .Gold -morning gave her testimony IT WAS SO POWERFUL!!!!! folks laughing & crying she was GREAT,dear sweet reannie was there very quite but lovely! deputydog!!!! Great to meet you, If I was 55 years younger your the man I would stalked( smile) elderwho looked like elder who((((HUGS)....I havent read about your apostacurry yet as I just arrived home ...But I do hope little toe got his licks.....

  • mouthy

    Forgot neomadman,rick & Inez,oh so many..... i have sometimers !!!It was awsome....

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi mouthy, I'm glad you had a great time. I had to miss the apostacurry, as my mum is quite ill, and had an operation yesterday, but there is a thread all about it, and I know it went well.

    It's good to see you again


  • Dansk

    Well, you sound suitably recharged! Time for the ear-plugs!

    Seriously, glad you enjoyed it and we look forward to your continued postings.



    Ian& Claire


  • mouthy

    Thanks you two. No dansk not earplugs you need blinders to cover my remarks.(HUGS) I forgot to add DRBOB was there also...

    Sorry your Mum was ill sweetie fullofdoubtnow. How is she diung now ?(HUGS)

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    (((hugs))) Sounds like you guys had a great time there too!!

    Maybe one day I might be able to use my honnnnorararary apostateship to go to one of your 'fests over there. That would be the trip of a lifetime!!

  • LovesDubs

    Even your posts sound out of breath Mouthy!! Welcome home. (both homes...here and your hearth)

    Put your tea pot on, put a load in the washing machine and come tell us all about it. :)

  • mouthy

    sademo said

    Maybe one day I might be able to use my honnnnorararary apostateship to go to one of your 'fests over there. That would be the trip of a lifetime!!

    Oh I would LOve it ----so would you. Talk about FAMILY!!!! I lost 3 in death 1 to the WT but just like Job I have recieved HUNDREDS back !!!!Annie is a special at this time....

    Lovedubs it is going to take me forever to unpack,catch up on sleep,I have to copy all the cassetts for folks that couldnt make it. post them off,Boy It was SO WONDERFUL if I kick the bucket today, I have tasted a bit of what Heaven will be like ---I ache from all the hugs & kisses I received THANK YOU LORD JESUS!!!!!

    I am not going to be on for a couple of hours so I wont feel the rocks your throwing ( smile

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    Welcome Home Mouthy!

    I hope to go to the convention in the future, it just seems as though something comes up with my husband or our sons. Maybe next year.

    I have a lot of people I'd like to see and hug.

    Best Regards,


  • Sunspot

    OH! My dear friend! I was getting worried about you because you didn't log on here the day after the convention, haha! I did add some things to my "PA Convention" thread.....so when you're ready....you can read my comments there.

    I glad you are home safe and sound! You were already a treasured friend before we actually met face-to-face....and how much more so having been with you those three days! And, dear one.....and thank you for "being there" for me on Sunday morning. I will never forget it. You are very, VERY special!

    with love and hugs always,


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