O,K I am home

by mouthy 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LovesDubs

    Annie it takes a long time to row her canoe back across the pond :)

  • Sunspot
    Annie it takes a long time to row her canoe back across the pond :)

    (THAT was cute!)

  • juni

    Granny Grace is back!! Sounds like you had a great time! I'm sure a lot of people were happy to be near you "in the flesh". Annie is a sweetheart. I've never met her in person. But I can feel her kindness through her words!

    Now you're back safe and sound. Don't over do it. You have a lot of good memories to reflect on.



  • mouthy

    Yes Juni I am back!!! with WONDERFUL memories of wonderful people >I have hugged & kissed on board> now in the flesh. Wish you could have been included in the Huggles we had.

    Annie, Natavia,madman,rennie,Dr Bob.ellderwho,deputy,& all the others I cant at this moment remember ( but I know your faces) THANKS FROM THE BOTTOM<& TOP OF MY HEART FOR YOUR LOVE & KINDNESS TO ME>(((HUGS))


  • Sunspot

    I never got to meet Rennie....is she the one from the South that thought we might make fun of her accent? I didn't see her OR IronClaw the whole time I was there! I LOOKED, and kept going over and checking the registration sheet every chance I got! I'm sorry I missed meeting them! (sigh)


  • mouthy

    Oh Annie I didnt mention your name in my first post ---Well I did but it didnt show up( said this page is not found) so I rewrote what I thought I did in my first post. YOU WERE THE MAIN subject. But the ole debil said "NO THAT POST AINT GOING THROUGH"Thanks you for sharing your first supper ( Jesus's last )with me. We sat with HIM at this one didnt we? It was an honor to be with you, Thank you thank you thank you said three times for emphises ____

    Have a confession to make I find I have your program Sorry I didnt mean to steal itNo rennie was not the one you mentioned she was the daughter of the Whites that gave their wonderful testimony....

    Love ya LOTS!!!!!!

  • mouthy


  • Mary

    Glad you had such an awesome time Grace.....we'll have to get together one of these days soon and you can tell me all about it.

  • mouthy

    Yes we must please send a e-mail from your private e-mIl I have something to say to you

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