"Good morning, my wife and I are engaged in a life saving, warning work with 6 million others worldwide. We want you and your little girl to get out of Babylon the Great so you wont share in her plauges. if you will listen to the warning of the little flock to those of the other sheep, you could enter the spiritual paradise and enjoy the banquet from Jehovah's table provided by the Faithful and Discrete slave as well. Our message is happifying and means refuge under the wings of the mother hen of God's organization. You don't know what you're missing."
"All the red dots are "do not calls" should we make a note?" "No, we'll go there anyway. Holy Spirit might want us to call on them even if they dont. We might get one of those exciting Awake experiences out of it!"
"Brother Kwestionabal was reinstated last week. Look how happy he is to be out in the ministry again."