A bethelites RULES to room with him

by What-A-Coincidence 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • buriram

    Why is the kitchenette off limits? What about if the room mate wants to make a snack and cup of coffee? Sounds like real fun that guy

  • Stephanus

    Sounds like he's got beer in the fridge in the kitchenette. I'd break that rule to steal his beer, and the noise rule by inviting a bunch back to consume said beer. I was never one to thrive in high-control environments.

    PS When I say "steal" I mean "borrow". I'd leave an IOU...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Postscript: re the "seven roommates" --- it sounded as if I got rid of that many but not true. When I arrived we were put eight to a room (a very large room). Eventually it was the usual arrangement, i.e., two guys to a room. CoCo

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